ID#: D00207MNYCP00 RSICC: DLC-207 Code Package Name: MENDL-2P Computer: PC and Workstations Packaged: 01/23/2002 Most Recent Update: ********************************************************************* Transmitted on one CD ROM in self-extracting compressed Windows files ********************************************************************* 03/01/2002 03:07p 41,696,160 d207dos0.EXE To expand the file, mount the distribution CD and click on d207dos0.exe. ~190 MB is required to extract all files. Directory of C:\mendl-2p 03/01/2002 03:08p IAEA1376.001 03/01/2002 03:08p IAEA1376.002 03/01/2002 03:04p 9,883 Readme.txt General information Directory of C:\mendl-2p\iaea1376.001 03/01/2002 03:08p data 03/01/2002 03:08p DOC 03/01/2002 03:08p readme Directory of C:\mendl-2p\iaea1376.002 03/01/2002 03:08p data 03/01/2002 03:08p documentation 10/17/2000 06:04p 2,723 mendl-2-endf6 readme.txt ******************************************************************** No retrieval program is included. The data are in ENDF-6 format and were verified by the developers through the ENDF-6 format utility codes CHECKR, FIZCON and PSYCHE (PSR-333/CHENDF 6.12).