ID#: D00204MNYCP00 RSIC#: DLC-204 CODE PKG NAME: JENDL/D-99 COMPUTER: PACKAGED: 01/22/2001 MOST RECENT UPDATE: / / ************************************************************************** Distributed on 1 CD-ROM as a self-extracting compressed DOS file. D204DOS0 EXE 18,701,635 01-22-01 1:44p D204DOS0.EXE ************************************************************************** Assume your hard drive is c: and your CD-ROM drive is called e: Create a directory called JENDL and type the following at c:\ c:\ mkdir jendl cd jendl e:\d204dos0.exe -d The following files and directories will be created: README PDF 11,933 12-13-99 10:18a Readme File -- PDF Version README TXT 5,195 12-13-99 10:18a Readme File -- text version MF1 PDF 198,483 04-19-00 9:25a Descriptive Data of JENDL/D-99 REACTION PDF 16,450 04-19-00 9:25a List of Reactions DATA