ID#: D00148D881000 RSIC # : DLC-148 8 DS/HD 5.25" diskette (1.2mb) CODE PKG NAME: MATXS70-JEF87 COMPUTER: VAX 8810 PACKAGED: 01/14/91 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ***************************************************************** DESCRIPTION MODE FILE SIZE (bytes) ***************************************************************** 1. README.RSI - RSIC information ASCII 1536 2. MATXS.INF - information file ASCII 2971 The following compressed files can be de-compressed by placing the diskette in drive and typing the file name without the EXE extension. You need about 28 megabytes of disk space for the files. 3. OUT.EXE - compressed file containing BINARY 112987 the FORTRAN 77 source of the retrieval program BBC and sample output. The cross section library is in the following compressed files. To restore the full library, copy the de-compressed files XAA, XAB, XAC,....,XAZ, XBA, XBB, XBC, XBD in this order into one big file. The library is about 26 megabytes (405,457 records). Each of the files whose names begin with "X" contains 13,700 lines, except for the last file XBD. 4. ABCD.EXE - compressed file BINARY 989872 which contains XAA, XAB, XAC, XAD. 5. EFGH.EXE - compressed file BINARY 1040050 which contains XAE, XAF, XAG, XAH. 6. IJKL.EXE - compressed file BINARY 1039386 which contains XAI, XAJ, XAK, XAL. 7. MNOP.EXE - compressed file BINARY 984110 which contains XAM, XAN, XAO, XAP. 8. QRST.EXE - compressed file BINARY 1065515 which contains XAQ, XAR, XAS, XAT. 9. UVWX.EXE - compressed file BINARY 1082597 which contains XAU, XAV, XAW, XAX. 10. YZBA.EXE - compressed file BINARY 970168 which contains XAY, XAZ, XBA. 11. BBBCBD.EXE - compressed file BINARY 817204 which contains XBB, XBC, XBD. *********************************************************************** Note: The data were not tested at RSIC, but were tested at NEA Data Bank on a VAX 8810 under the VMS operating system. The program BBC (from PSR-206/TRANSX-CTR) was used.