Radiation Safety Information
Computational Center |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Post Office Box 2008
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6362
Managed by
Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.
for the U.S. Department of Energy
under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464
Phone No. 865-574-6176
FAX 865-574-6182
Internet: PDC@ORNL.GOV
WWW: http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/rsic.html |
No. 419 |
November 1999 |
A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of
books.--Chinese Proverb |
Area Code Changes for RSICC
The area code for parts of East Tennessee is changing from 423 to 865
effective November 1, 1999. The transition period will extend to April
24, 2000, during which time both area codes can be used. This period
should provide enough time for the customer to make all necessary
changes in modems, faxes, automatic dialers, speed calling, pagers, and cellular phones for
numbers dialed within the Knoxville-Oak Ridge region.
NRC Codes Made Available
Several U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) software packages which were transferred
from the ESTSC to RSICC were incorporated into the RSICC computer code collection. Please
browse the computer code abstracts available at RSICC's www site for more information on
these packages.
Three changes were made to the computer code collection during the month. One new code
system was added, one existing code system was replaced with a newly frozen version, and a
minor correction was made to an existing package.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, contributed a
minor correction to this multidimensional, finite-difference heat
conduction analysis code system. HEATING can solve steady-state
and/or transient heat conduction problems in one-, two-, or
three-dimensional Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates. Both
HEATING 7.2i and HEATING7.3 are distributed in this package. An
array indexing problem was recently discovered in subroutine MENSURAL in HEATING 7.3. In
the case where it was discovered it caused a boundary temperature to be corrupted and wrong
answers to be produced. The problem only occurred in cases where the materials were not
numbered consecutively. Users may get the updated package or request the modified version of
subroutine MENSURAL and the new dll file for running HEATING 7.3 on Windows 95/98/NT.
HEATING 7.3 is written in Fortran 77 but includes some Fortran 90 features. The PC
executables were created using Microsoft Powerstation v4.0. Visual Basic 4.0 was used to create
the graphical front end for the program. Windows95 or WindowsNT is required to use the GUI
version of HEATING 7.3, though a non-gui version is included in the package that may be run in
a DOS window of Windows95 or WindowsNT. HEATING7.3 for Unix was tested only on IBM
RS/6000 and requires the XLF 3.2 compiler.
Included are the referenced document and one CD-ROM which can be read on either Unix or
Windows platforms. The PC files are written in DOS format and contain source, PC executables,
script files, and sample cases. The Unix versions are written in compressed Unix tar files.
References: ORNL/TM-12262 (February 1993). HEATING 7.2i: Fortran 77 and C for UNIX
Workstation or Mainframe; Fortran 77 for 386 or 486 PC; HEATING 7.3: Fortran 90 for 486 PC
and IBM RS/6000 (P00199/MNYCP/03).
The National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Upton, New York, contributed a newly frozen version of this suite of
codes for handling ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI data. CHENDF, Version
6.11, supersedes all previous versions of the ENDF utility codes. This
release corrects all bugs in Version 6.10 reported to NNDC before April
1, 1998 and all format changes adopted prior to that date. The following
The codes were executed at RSICC on a VAX 6000 running VMS 6.2, on PC using Lahey
F77L3-EM/32, and also on an IBM RS/6000. A Fortran 77 compiler is required. The package is
transmitted on a 3.5 inch DS/HD (1.44 MB) diskette which includes the source codes written in
self-extracting compressed DOS files. Reference: BNL unpublished
reports (April 10, 1998 and October 12, 1995). Fortran-77; VAX, IBM,
Unix Workstations; PC (P00333/MNYCP/02).
Los Alamos National Laboratory contributed an automated, multi-step
Monte Carlo burnup code system to calculate coupled neutronic/ isotopic
results for nuclear systems. Monteburns is a fully automated tool that links the Monte Carlo
transport code CCC-660/MCNP4B2 with the radioactive decay and burnup code
CCC-371/ORIGEN2.1. Monteburns produces a large number of criticality and burnup results
based on various material feed/removal specifications, power(s), and time intervals. The
principal function is to transfer one-group cross-section and flux values from MCNP to
ORIGEN2, and then transfer the resulting material compositions (after irradiation and/or decay)
from ORIGEN2 back to MCNP in a repeated, cyclic fashion (a simple predictor-corrector
method is used during this process).
The code runs on Sun UNIX and Windows NT systems. Further, it has been designed to work on
any PC or UNIX machine and on a VMS system (although this has not yet been fully tested).
The main part of the code was written in Fortran 77, but the interface between MCNP,
ORIGEN2, and Monteburns is a Perl script that runs the codes and processes intermediate data.
MCNP Version 4A and 4B have been tested, but others may also work. Note that MCNP and
ORIGEN2.1 are not included in this package. The code system is transmitted on 2 diskettes in
compressed tar and DOS format. References: LA-UR-99-4999 (September 1999). Fortran 77 and
Perl; UNIX Sun and PC systems; possibly also UNIX HP and VMS systems
RSICC Hosts Polish Scientist
Mr. Grzegorz Tracz is a visiting scientist from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow,
Poland, for three months. He is working on measurement modeling for coal moisture content by
using transport codes MCNP and DOORS. He works at RSICC via a fellowship program through
the IAEA and supported by the National Research Council in Washington, D. C. He will be with
RSICC until the end of December.
UC-Davis Endows Teller Chair
The University of California-Davis has endowed a chair in the Department of Applied Science in
honor of Edward Teller, who founded the department in 1963 and served as its chairman until
1966. Teller, a member of the American Nuclear Society since 1955, helped establish the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The Edward Teller Chair was financed by a grant
from the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation.
Austin E. "Jack" Penn died August 10, 1999, at the age of 94. Penn began working at
Baltimore Gas & Electric in 1920 at the age of 15; he retired in 1969 as chairman and chief
executive officer. He is credited with laying the groundwork for the construction of Calvert
Cliffs nuclear power plant.
Dr. Harm Gruppelaar died on November 14, 1999. Dr. Gruppelaar was a nuclear physicist who
contributed significantly to European nuclear data projects. As an experimental nuclear physicist,
he spent almost his entire career at ECN (NRG) Petten, The Netherlands, where he managed the
Nuclear and Reactor Physics Group (45 scientists). He is one of the initiators of the European
JEFF nuclear data library and the European Fusion File (EFF). He was a member of various
international bodies, which includes chairmanship of JEFF and EFF. He was also vice-chairman
of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee. Among his skills were nuclear reaction models, nuclear
data evaluation, computational reactor physics, transmutation of waste and accelerator-driven
RSICC attempts to keep its users/contributors advised of conferences, courses, and symposia in
the field of radiation protection, transport, and shielding through this section of the newsletter.
Should you be involved in the planning/organization of such events, feel free to send your
announcements and calls for papers via email to raf@ornl.gov with "conferences" in the subject
line. Please include the announcement in its native format as an attachment to the message. If the
meeting is on a website, please include the url.
MCNP Workshops for the Year 2000
The following is the 2000 schedule for Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code workshops.
Year 2000 Schedule:
21-24 March |
Advanced Class |
USA, Los Alamos National
Laboratory |
10-14 April |
Advanced Class |
London |
23-26 May |
Class |
USA, Los Alamos National
Laboratory |
July |
Class |
Europe (to be announced) |
Introductory classes are for people who have little or no experience with MCNP. The classes
survey the features of MCNP so the beginning user will be exposed to the capabilities of the
program and will have hands-on experience at running the code to solve rudimentary problems.
Course topics include basic geometry, source definitions, output (tallies) specification and
interpretation, advanced geometry (repeated structures specification), variance reduction
techniques, statistical analysis, criticality, plotting of geometry, tallies, and particle tracks, and
neutron/photon/electron physics.
Advanced classes are for people with MCNP experience who want to extend their knowledge
and understanding. Most areas of MCNP operation will be discussed in detail, with emphasis on
advanced geometry, advanced variance reduction techniques, perturbation enhancement &
cumulative tallies. Time will be available to discuss approaches to specific problems of interest
to students.
NOTE: While MCNP supports a number of platforms, class computers are usually UNIX
machines. Experience with UNIX will be helpful to the student but is not essential.
Year 2000 classes will showcase the latest release of MCNP, Version 4C. Major new features
that will be discussed include:
- Macrobodies
- Unresolved Resonance Treatment
- Perturbation Enhancement
- Alpha Eigenvalues
- Cumulative Tallies
All classes provide interactive computer learning. Time will be available to discuss individual
questions and problems with MCNP experts. To Register for the LANL classes via the Internet,
go to http://www.solutionsbyhqc. com/ mcnpform. html or email Bill Hamilton at
bill@solutionsbyhqc.com. For registration information on the European classes, contact Enrico
Sartori, OECD/NEA, sartori@nea.fr.
The Eighth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE-8, will be held at the
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, April 2-6, 2000. It is sponsored by the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Société Française de I'Energie Nucléaire
(SFEN), and the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). ICONE is a comprehensive
international conference on nuclear engineering which features peer-reviewed papers in 10
technical tracks. Further information may be obtained from George Bockhold, US Technical
Chair, P.O. Box 116502, Gainesville, FL 32611-6502, USA (phone 352-392-9722, fax
352-392-8656, url http://www.icone-conf.org./icone8/ index. html).
International Workshop on Neutron Field Spectrometry in
Science, Technology and Radiation Protection
The International Workshop on Neutron Field Spectrometry in Science, Technology and
Radiation Protection will be held June 5-8, 2000, in Pisa, Italy. For more than 50 years neutron
spectrometry has been used in basic nuclear physics research, in fission and fusion nuclear
technology, in radiation protection and radiation therapy, and in various other applications. The
dynamic range of neutron energies and fluence rates which need to be covered in these
applications has increased, and considerable progress has been achieved in recent years both by
improving conventional techniques as well as by developing new detector systems and analyzing
procedures. Additional information may be found at
http://www.ptb.de/english/org/6/neuspec/intro.htm or contact
Horst Klein
PTB, dep. 6.4 `Neutron Metrology'
Bundesallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany
phone: 49-531-592-6400
fax: 49-531-592-7205
email: horst.klein@ptb.de
The 8th International Symposium on Radiation Physics (ISRP-8) will be held in Prague, the
Czech Republic, June 5-9, 2000. The Symposium, a triennial event organized by the
International Radiation Physics Society (IRPS), is devoted to current trends in radiation physics
research and potential future issues. The scientific sessions will include invited lectures by
leading experts in the field and poster presentations of contributed papers. Papers are solicited for
the following proposed scientific sessions:
- Fundamental processes in radiation physics
- Radiation sources and detectors
- Radiation in physical and material sciences
- Radiation in medicine and biology
- Radiation in space, earth and environmental sciences
- Radiation in archaeometry and the history of art
- Radiation technologies and industrial applications
If you are interested in attending the symposium, please contact:
Professor Ladislav Musilek
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Bøehová 7, 115 19 Praha 1, Czech Republic
fax +4202 2320861, email rnusiIek@br.fjfi.cvut.cz
Additional information may be obtained from http://www.fjfi.cvut.cz/ISRP-8.htm.
Methodologies for Particle Transport Simulation of Nuclear
The 7th Workshop on Methodologies for Particle Transport Simulation of Nuclear Systems
(Design, Dosimetry and Shielding) will be held June 26-30, 2000, Penn State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania. It is sponsored by the Penn State Transport Theory Group.
Special topics include:
- A3MCNP - Automated Adjoint Accelerated MCNP
- PENMSH - 3-D Mesh Generator
- PENTRAN - 3-D Parallel Sn Code
Additional information is available from haghigha@gracie.psu.edu or iaw@psu.edu or from the
website at http://gracie.psu.edu/wshop02/wshop02.html.
Plutonium Futures-The Science
The Plutonium Futures-The Science conference will be held at La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe, New
Mexico, July 10-13, 2000. Conference participants will examine present knowledge of the
chemical and physical properties of plutonium and other actinides in complex media and
materials; discuss current and emerging science (chemistry, physics, materials science, nuclear
science, and environmental effects) of plutonium and actinides relevant to enhancing global
nuclear security; and promote the exchange of ideas. The scientific program will include invited
plenary and keynote lectures followed by presentations of invited and contributed papers in oral
and poster sessions. The plenary sessions will include participation by policy makers and elected
officials as well as scientific leaders. English is the official language of the conference. The
extended abstracts from the conference will be published. The conference will cover scientific
topics in plutonium and actinide sciences including actinides in the environment and the science
underlying plutonium disposition. Conference subtopics include:
- Separations
- Matrix interactions
- Materials compatibility
- Plutonium metallurgy
- Detection and analysis
- Environmental and biosphere chemistry
- Nuclear fuels
- Novel plutonium/actinide compounds and complexes
If you are interested in Plutonium Futures-The Science and wish to receive the future
announcements, including the Call for Papers, complete and submit the on-line Information
Request Form (http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/nmt/nmtdo/PuConf2000/PuConf2000.html). You may
also email or write to:
Plutonium Futures-The Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nuclear Materials
Technology Division
P.O. Box 1663
MS E500
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
Contact: Andria Liesse
phone: 505-665-5981
email: Puconf2000@lanl.gov
fax: 505-667-7966
The Eighth International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure will be held on
the Clark Kerr Campus of the University of California, Berkeley, August 812, 2000. The
conference will provide a broad forum for discussing experimental and theoretical aspects of
laboratory- and synchrotron-radiation-based electron spectroscopy, electron- and
ion-beam-excited electron spectroscopy, x-ray absorption and x-ray emission spectroscopy,
various forms of spectromicroscopy and microspectroscopy, and related phenomena dealing with
electronic structure and dynamics, as well as their applications to surface, interface, materials,
and industrial analysis. The conference title has been changed to enlarge its scope so as to cover
complementary spectroscopies such as x-ray fluorescence and near-edge x-ray absorption that are
now often used in conjunction with the various electron spectroscopies. Of particular interest for
the program are new developments leading to higher energy, spatial, and temporal resolutions, as
well as explorations of novel materials properties and more accurate theoretical descriptions of
phenomena. The scientific program will include invited talks and contributed oral and poster
presentations. The conference proceedings will be published as a special issue of the Journal of
Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. The topics to be covered include:
- Photoelectron and Auger spectroscopies in all forms,
- Related soft x-ray fluorescence and near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopies, as well as
x-ray optical measurements,
- Electron-energy-loss spectroscopies at low and high energies, including electronic and
vibrational excitations,
- Photon- and electron-based spectromicroscopies and microspectroscopies, including those
using laboratory x-ray and synchrotron radiation sources, electron beams, and energy loss in
electron microscopes,
- Excitation cross-sections, relaxation effects, and many-electron phenomena,
- Measurements with variable light polarization, spin detection, and time resolution; "complete"
experiments of various types,
- Coincidence spectroscopies using electrons,
- Photoelectron, Auger electron, and other electron-based diffraction and holography; x-ray
fluorescence holography,
- Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and related electronic spectroscopies,
- New developments in both laboratory and synchrotron radiation instrumentation,
- New theoretical approaches for describing electronic structure and dynamics, as well as for
interpreting experiments, and
- Applications of the above to atoms, molecules, liquids, surfaces/interfaces, nanostructures,
catalysts, environmentally relevant problems, novel and complex materials, strongly
correlated and magnetic materials, and industrial analytical problems.
For information about the conference itself, please send email to icess@lbl.gov.
Radiation Protection for Our National Priorities:
Medicine, the Environment, and the Legacy
The Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society invites you to
attend its Year 2000 (RPS2000) topical meeting to be held in Spokane, Washington, September
17-21, 2000. The meeting will cover issues associated with radiation protection and health
physics. RPS2000 is being organized in conjunction with the Columbia Chapter of the Health
Physics Society. In addition to the technical paper sessions there will be a full range of classes
and seminars for HPS certification credit. Abstracts of 500600 words on the following topics
are invited for consideration: Transport and Shielding, Computer Applications, Medical
Applications, Environmental Health Physics, Radioactive Waste Management, and Special
Topics. The program committee asks that all abstracts be submitted electronically (by email or
on floppy disk). The deadline for submitting abstracts is December 31, 1999. Complete details
and a list of subtopics is available at the meeting website,
SPECTRUM 2000 will be held in Chattanooga, Tennessee, September 2428, 2000. The
conference is a biannual international conference with a primary focus on technology
development and deployment for nuclear and hazardous waste management applications. It is
sponsored by the ANS Fuel Cycle & Waste Management and Decommissioning,
Decontamination, and Reutilization Divisions in cooperation with the U.S. Department of
Energy and organized and hosted by the ANS Oak Ridge/ Knoxville Section. The objective is to
provide new avenues for business development and commercialization of products and services
for nuclear waste management and for all processes that generate these wastes, namely,
decommissioning & decontamination and environmental restoration through the international
exchange of information related to deployed technologies, emerging technologies, and advanced
technologies. Papers are solicited in the following tracks:
- Management of Hazardous Waste, Mixed Waste, and Low Level Waste
- Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D)
- Characterization, Processing, Packaging, Handling, and Transportation
- Technologies for Spent Nuclear Fuel, High Level Waste, and TRU Waste
- Stakeholder and Regulatory Management Affecting Technology Needs and Deployment
- International Environmental Management Technology Programs
- Dose, Safety, and Risk Assessments
- Environmental Management Integration
The deadline for submitting summaries is February 28, 2000. General information and
instructions for submitting papers is available at http://www.engr.utk.edu/spectrum/index. html
or from:
University of Tennessee
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Knoxville, TN 37996-2300
phone: 865-974-5048, Fax: 419-828-4819
email: spectrum2000@engr.utk.edu
The 10th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES 2000) will be
held September 25-28, 2000, in Petten, The Netherlands. The main objective of the ICENES
conference is to discuss, on a broad international basis, the state of various advanced and
non-conventional concepts for nuclear energy production. The ICENES conference is held
biennially. Earlier conferences were held in Graz, Lausanne, Helsinki, Madrid, Karlsruhe,
Monterey, Chiba, Obninsk and Tel-Aviv, respectively. Both research scientists and practicing
engineers are invited to attend and participate in this conference. The meeting organization will
provide ample opportunity for participants to interact in formal sessions and informal
discussions. A panel discussion "Fitting Future Nuclear Energy Systems in a Liberalized Energy
Market" is also planned. Papers can be submitted on the following topics:
- Advanced fission systems
- Accelerator driven systems
- Advanced fusion concepts
- Fusion/Fission hybrids
- Laser systems for nuclear applications
- Space nuclear power
- Exotic nuclear concepts
Deadline for abstracts is December 20, 1999. Instructions for submitting papers are available at
http://www.nrg-nl.com/congres/icenes/ or contact:
Mrs. Dr. A.I. van Heek, Organising Chairman
Phone. (+31) 224 56 4507
Email: vanheek@nrg-nl.com
Mrs. M. Hofman, Meeting Secretariat
Phone: (+31) 224 56 4193
Email: hofman@nrg-nl.com
The address for both is:
P.O. Box 25
1755 ZG Petten
The Netherlands
Fax: (+31) 224 56 3490
Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNSC 2000)
The Third International Conference of the Yugoslav Nuclear Society will be held on
October 25, 2000, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. The Conference is expected to stimulate an
exchange of information and ideas on the following topics:
- Nuclear Power
- Research Reactors
- Accelerators
- Numerical Methods and Models
- Nuclear Materials
- Nuclear Safety
- Nuclear Methods in Science and Technology
- Radiation Protection
- Radiation Medicine
- Fuel Cycle and Waste Management
- Environment
- Training and Education
Plenary sessions by leaders in the fields, topical sessions with invited and selected papers, and
poster sessions is the planned format of the Conference. The working language of the Conference
is English. Participants are invited to send a one-page abstract preferably by email to
(yuns@rt270.vin.bg.ac.yu) as an attachment or by mail either as hardcopies or on a diskette. The
papers submitted will be reviewed during April and May, and the authors notified of their
acceptance or otherwise by June 15, 2000. Accepted papers will be included in the Book of
Abstracts, which will be distributed to the participants on registration at the Conference. The
papers, final versions of invited and selected papers, comments, and conclusions will be
published in the Proceedings of YUNSC 2000 and mailed to the participants after the
Conference. Detailed instructions for the preparation of posters will be given in the Second
Announcement. For pre-registration and information on submitting your work to YUNSC 2000 contact:
Radojko Pavlovi
YUNSC 2000 Conference Secretary
The VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences
P.O.B. 522, 11001 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Tel No: + 381 (11) 453-867
Fax No: + 381 (11) 455-943
email: yuns@rt270.vin.bg.ac.yu
ANS 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy
The 2000 American Nuclear Society 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy
will be held at the Olympia Park Hotel in Park City, Utah, October 15-19, 2000. It will be an
international forum for presentation and discussion of scientific and technical information
covering all aspects of fusion technology, including the most recent developments in both inertial
and magnetic confinement fusion energy. The meeting website provides detailed information on
abstract submittal, meeting registration, lodging, and activities. Questions should be sent to Jon
Carmack at wjc@inel.gov (phone 208-526-7576 , fax 208-526-0528). The web site can be found
at: http://ev2.inel.gov/ParkCity/.
Fourth International Workshop on Dosimetry for Radiation
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Subcommittee E10.01 Dosimetry for
Radiation Processing has announced the Fourth International Workshop on Dosimetry for
Radiation Processing to be held at the Bahia Resort Hotel in San Diego, California, October
22-27, 2000. The symposium will be patterned on the three previous workshops in 1989
(Ste-Adèle, Québec), 1991 (University of Maryland), and 1995 (Ste-Adèle, Québec). The
symposium will include a few presentations by invited speakers, but the main emphasis will be
on small informal "round table" workshop sessions and hands-on practical exercises in which all
attendees are expected to participate. An informal poster session will be combined with an
equipment and technology demonstration session. Registration is limited to a maximum of 160
technical participants on a "first-register-first-serve" basis. The scope of this workshop covers all
aspects of dosimetry for radiation processing, including the processing of medical products,
pharmaceuticals, foods, inks, packaging, and polymers. The objective is to improve the quality of
dosimetry through a better understanding of dosimetry principles, calibration techniques,
dosimetry applications (e.g. dose mapping and routine monitoring), and the determination and
understanding of dosimetry uncertainties, all based on standards published by ASTM
Subcommittee E10.01. Other standards on process control and quality systems that may have an
impact on dosimetry practices will also be covered. The presentations and workshop sessions are
expected to cover the following topics:
- Dosimetry Principles
- Selection and Calibration of Dosimetry Systems
- Dose Mapping (Gamma)
- Dose Mapping (Electron Beam and X-Ray-Bremsstrahlung)
- Influence Factors (including environmental effects) on Dosimeter Response
- Uncertainties in Absorbed Dose Measurements
- Dosimetry in Industrial Applications
- Quality Assurance and Regulatory Aspects of Dosimetry
- Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
A registration form is available at ASTM. Additional
information may be obtained from:
Dr. Harry Farrar IV, Chairman
ASTM Committee E-10
18 Flintlock Lane
Bell Canyon, CA 91307-1127 USA
phone: +1 (818) 340-1227
fax: +1 (818) 340-2132
email: hfarrar4@aol.com
The International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle
Transport Simulation and Applications (MC2000) will be held October 23-26, 2000, in Lisbon,
Portugal. At the International Conference "Monte Carlo 2000 - Advanced Monte Carlo for
Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications", all sessions will be
dedicated to Monte Carlo issues. This Conference has been organized around three main
categories of Monte Carlo simulations: Radiation Physics, Particle
Transport Simulation and Applications involving electron-photon, neutron-gamma and hadronic
codes. The following issues will be addressed:
- Theory and methods
- Physics and modeling issues
- Algorithm developments
- Computational Science
- Basic data
- Analysis of experiments and measurements
- Benchmarks
- Status of general-purpose codes
- Tools (Graphics and Analysis)
- Applications
The deadline for abstract submission is March 31, 2000. Inquiries regarding the conference can
be addressed to: Intituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, MC2000 Conference Secretariat, Estrada
Nacional 10, P-2686-953 Sacavem, Portugal (phone: +351-21-994 60 00 ext. 6154, fax
+351-21-994 10 39, email mc2000@itn1.itn.pt, or Dr. Pedro Vaz, Technical and Scientific
Program Co-ordinator at email vaz@nea.fr, url http://www.itn.pt/Meetings/MC2000/).
Fifth Radiation Physics Conference
The Atomic Energy Authority of Egypt is sponsoring the Fifth Radiation Physics
Conference--Atomic Energy, Radiation Protection, Challenges and Strategies. The conference
will be held November 59, 2000, in Cairo at a site to be announced. The organizing body
solicits your work in the following areas:
- Radiation sources
- Radiation effects
- Radiation detection and measurements
- Radiation dosimetry
- Radiation shielding
- Radiation protection and safety
- Applied radiation physics
- Radiation biophysics
- Medical radiation physics
- Environmental radioactivity and earth sciences
- Special topics to include:
- Atomic energy, radiation protection--challenges and strategies
- Radiation exposure of air crew
- Application of nuclear techniques (detection of land mines, etc.)
- Global air and aquatic radioactive monitoring
Further information about the conference and the proper submission of your work may be
obtained from Prof. Mohammad A. Gomaa, Atomic Energy Authority, 3 Ahmad Al-Zomor St.,
Alzohour District, Nasr City, Children Village Post Office, Postal Code 11787, Cairo, Egypt (fax
00202-287603, email ruatom@rusys.EG.net).
Your attention is directed to the following events of interest.
February 2000
Utilization of Nuclear Power in Oceans, N'ocean 2000, Feb. 21-24, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Contact: Nobuteru Nariyama (Conference Secretary), Nuclear Technology Division, Ship
Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, 6-38-1, Shinkawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0004, Japan
(phone +81-422-41-3138, fax +81-422-41-3136, email nari@srimot.go.jp, url
Radiation Transport Calculations using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo System, Feb. 29Mar. 2, 2000,
Ottawa, Canada. Contact: Blake Walters, Ionizing Radiation Standards, National Research
Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 (phone 613-993-2715, fax 613-952-9865, email
bwalters@irs.phy.nrc.ca, url www.irs.inms.nrc.ca/inms/irs/papers/egsnrc/brochure.html).
March 2000
MCNP Advanced Class, 21-24 March, 2000, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. To
register for the LANL classes via the Internet, go to http://www.solutionsbyhqc.com/
mcnpform.html or email Bill Hamilton at bill@solutionsbyhqc.com.
April 2000
Eighth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE-8, April 26, 2000, Baltimore,
Maryland, USA. Contact: George Bockhold, US Technical Chair, c/o PO Box 116502,
Gainesville, FL 32611-6502, USA (phone 352-392-9722, fax 352-392-8656, email
Submit-icone8@icone-conf.org, url http://www.icone-conf.org/icone8/).
MCNP Advanced Class, 10-14 April, 2000, London. For registration information on the
European classes, contact Enrico Sartori, OECD/NEA, sartori@nea.fr.
May 2000
PHYSOR 2000, May 7-11, 2000, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Reactor Physics
Section of the American Nuclear Society and the ANS Pittsburgh Section. Contact: Dr. Tom
Congedo (phone 412-256-1084, fax 412-256-2444, email congedtv@westinghouse.com, url
http://ans-pgh.commerce.wec.com/rp2000. htm).
MCNP Introductory Class, 23-26 May, 2000, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. To
register for the LANL classes via the Internet, go to
http://www.solutionsbyhqc.com/mcnpform.html or email Bill Hamilton at
June 2000
International Workshop on Neutron Field Spectrometry in Science, Technology and Radiation
Protection, June 5-8, 2000, Pisa, Italy. Contact Horst Klein, PTB, dep. 6.4 `Neutron Metrology',
Bundesallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany (phone 49-531-592-6400, fax
49-531-592-7205, email horst.klein@ptb.de).
8th International Symposium on Radiation Physics (ISRP-8), June 59, 2000, Prague, the Czech
Republic. Contact: Professor Ladislav Musílek, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty
of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Bøehová 7, 115 19 Praha 1, Czech Republic (fax
+4202 2320861, email musilek@br.fjfi.cvut.cz).
7th Workshop on Methodologies for Particle Transport Simulation of Nuclear Systems (Design,
Dosimetry and Shielding), June 26-30, 2000, Penn State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania. Contact: haghigha@gracie.psu.edu, or iaw@psu.edu or from the website at
July 2000
Plutonium Futures--The Science, July 10-13, 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Contact: Plutonium
Futures--The Science, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Nuclear Materials Technology Division,
P.O. Box 1663, MS E500, Los Alamos, NM, USA 87545 (phone 505-665-5981, fax
505-667-7966, email Puconf2000@lanl.gov).
August 2000
Eighth International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure, Campus of the
University of California, Berkeley, Aug. 812, 2000. Contact: icess@lbl.gov (url:
September 2000
Radiation Protection for our National Priorities: Medicine, the Environment, and the Legacy,
Sept. 1721, 2000, Spokane, Washington. Contact: Harvey Goldberg, ANS-EWS, P.O.Box 941,
Richland, WA 99352 (email finfrock@ambinet.com).
SPECTRUM 2000, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Sept. 2428, 2000. Contact: SPECTRUM 2000,
University of Tennessee, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Knoxville, TN 37996-2300 (phone
865-974-5048, fax 419-828-4819, email spectrum2000@engr.utk.edu, url
ICENES 2000, The 10th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Sept.
25-28, 2000, Petten, The Netherlands. Contact: Mrs. M. Hofman, Meeting Secretariat, NRG,
P.O. Box 25, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands (phone +31-224-56-4193, fax +31-224-56-3490,
email hofman@nrg-nl.com, url http://www.nrg-nl.com/congres/icenes/).
October 2000
3rd International Conference of the Yugoslav Nuclear Society (YUNSC 2000), Oct. 25, 2000,
Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Contact: Radojko Pavlovi, YUNSC 2000 Conference Secretary, The
VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, P.O.B. 522, 11001 Belgrade, Yugoslavia (phone + 381
(11) 453-867, fax + 381 (11) 455-943, email yuns@rt270.vin.bg.ac.yu)
2000 American Nuclear Society 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Oct.
1519, 2000, Park City, Utah. Contact: url http://www.ambinet.com/ans/rps2000.htm.
4th International Workshop on Dosimetry for Radiation Processing, Oct. 22-27, 2000, San
Diego, California. Contact: Dr. Harry Farrar IV, ASTM Committee E-10, 18 Flintlock Lane, Bell
Canyon, CA 91307-1127 (phone 818-340-1227, fax 818-340-2132, email hfarrar4@aol.com).
International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport
Simulation and Applications (MC2000), October 23-26, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal. Contact: Intituto
Tecnológico e Nuclear, MC2000 Conference Secretariat, Estrada Nacional 10, P-2686-953
Sacavem, Portugal (phone: +351-21-994 60 00 ext. 6154, fax +351-21-994 10 39, email
mc2000@itn1.itn.pt, or Dr. Pedro Vaz, Technical and Scientific Program Co-ordinator at email
vaz@nea.fr, url http://lipulsi.lip.pt/mc2000/).
November 2000
5th Radiation Physics Conference--Atomic Energy, Radiation Protection, Challenges and
Strategies, Nov. 5-9, 2000, Cairo, Egypt. Contact: Prof. Mohammad A. Gomaa, Atomic Energy
Authority, 3 Ahmad Al-Zomor St., Alzohour District,
Nasr City, Children Village Post Office, Postal Code 11787, Cairo, Egypt (fax 00202-287603,
email ruatom@rusys.EG.net).
The following literature cited has been reviewed and placed in the RSICC Information Storage
and Retrieval Information System (SARIS), now searchable on the RSICC web server
(http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/SARIS.html). This early announcement is made as a service to the
shielding community. Copies of the literature are not distributed by RSICC. They may
generally be obtained from the author or from a documentation center such as the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS), Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
For literature listed as available from INIS contact INIS Clearinghouse, International Atomic
Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna.
Radiation Shielding Literature
Health Phys., 77, 276-281 . . . Comparison of the MCNP (tm) Calculated and Measured
Radiation Field Quantities Near the RB Reactor. . . . Pesic, M.P.; Ninkovic, M.M. . . . September
1999 . . . The Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Vinca, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Health Phys., 77, 291-297 . . . Uncertainty of the Tritium Dose Conversion Factor. . . . Hamby,
D.M. . . . September 1999 . . . University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Health Phys., 77, Sup.2, S86-S95 . . . Protocols for Implementing DOE Authorized Release of
Radioactive Scrap Metals. . . . Chen, S.Y.; Arnish, J.; Komboj, S.; Nieves, L.A. . . . November
1999 . . . Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
Health Phys., 77, Sup. 2, S96-S103 . . . The LANL Model 8823 Whole-Body TLD and
Associated Dose Algorithm. . . . Hoffman, J.M.; Mallett, M.W. . . . November 1999 . . . Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.
Health Phys., 77, Sup. 2, S-104-S107 . . . The AL-R8 SI: The Next Generation Staging
Container for Plutonium Pits at the USDOE Pantex Plant.Eifert, . . . E.J.; Vickers, L.D. . . .
November 1999 . . . U.S. DOE Pantex Plant, Amarillo, TX.
Health Phys., 77, Sup. 2, S108-S110 . . . Extension of Fong and Alvarez: When is a Lower Limit
of Detection Low Enough? . . . Potter, W.E. . . . November 1999 . . . none listed .
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 23-39 . . . A Liquid-Metal Reactor for Burning Minor Actinides of Spent
Light Water Reactor Fuel -- II: Nuclear Data Uncertainty Analysis. . . . Choi, H.; Downar, T.J. . .
. September 1999 . . . Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon, Korea; Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana. .
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 1-22 . . . A Liquid-Metal Reactor for Burning Minor Actinides of Spent
Light Water Reactor Fuel -- I: Neutronics Design Study. . . . Choi, H.; Downar, T.J. . . .
September 1999 . . . Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon, Korea; Purdue University,
West Lafayette, Indiana.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 40-54 . . . Improved Discrete Ordinates Calculations for an Approximate
Model of Neutral Particle Transport in Ducts. . . . Garcia, R.D.M.; Ono, S. . . . September 1999 .
. . Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial, Jose dos Campos, Brazil.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 55-72 . . . A Midway Forward-Adjoint Coupling Method for Neutron and
Photon Monte Carlo Transport. . . . Serov, I.V.; John, T.M.; Hoogenboom, J.E. . . . September
1999 . . . Delft University of Technology, JB Delft, The Netherlands.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 73-79 . . . Monte Carlo Methods for Flux Expansion Solutions of Transport
Problems. . . . Spanier, J. . . . September 1999 . . . Claremont Graduate University, Claremont,
Nucl. Sci. Eng, 133, 80-91 . . . Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Porosity Oil Well Logging
Tools: Combining the Geometry-Independent Fine-Mesh Importance Map and One-Dimensional
Diffusion Mod . . . Gardner, R.P.; Liu, L. . . . September 1999 . . . North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC; Computalog USA, Inc., Fort Worth, TX.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 119-146 . . . Decomposition Principle for Refueling Optimization in Fast
Breeder Reactors. . . . Kato, Y.; Odamura, M.; Urushihara, H.; Matsushima, H. . . . October 1999
. . . Boston University, Boston, MA; Hitachi Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan; Ibaraki, Hitachi Information
Service Co., Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 147-162 . . . Analytical Calculation of the Average Dancoff Factor for a
Fuel Kernel in a Pebble Bed High-Temperature Reactor. . . . Bende, E.E.; Hogenbirk, A.H.;
Kloosterman, J.L.; Dam, H. van . . . October 1999 . . . NRG, Petten, The Netherlands; Delft
University of Technology, JB Delft, The Netherlands.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 163-177 . . . Applications of Monte Carlo Simulations of Thermalization
Processes to the Nondestructive Assay of Graphite. . . . Difilippo, F.C. . . . Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 192-200 . . . A Mesh-Free Numerical Method for Direct Simulation of
Gas-Liquid Phase Interface. . . . Yoon, H.Y.; Koshizuka, S.; Oka, Y. . . . October 1999 . . .
University of Tokyo, Ibaraki, Japan.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 201-212 . . . A Two-Dimensional Intranodal Flux Expansion Method for
Hexagonal Geometry. . . . Grundmann, U.; Hollstein, F. . . . October 1999 . . .
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Institute of Safety Research, Dresden, Germany.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 213-217 . . . Shift and Adjusted Reference Temperature for a Boiling Water
Reactor Vessel. . . . Longoria, L.C.; Palacios, J.C.; Santos, J.
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 133, 218-234 . . . Model Calculation of n+ 12C Reactions from 4.8 to 20 MeV. .
. . Zhang, J.; Han, Y.; Cao, L. . . . October 1999 . . . China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing,