Radiation Safety Information Computational Center | |
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory Post Office Box 2008 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6362 Managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp. for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 Phone No. 423-574-6176 FAX 423-574-6182 Internet: PDC@ORNL.GOV WWW: http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/rsic.html |
No. 399 | March 1998 |
There is no genius in life like the genius of energy and industry.--D. G. Mitchell
DORT and TORT Workshop
A two-day workshop on ORNL's neutral particle transport codes, DORT (2D) and TORT (3D),
will follow the Nashville Topical Meeting on April 24-25, 1998. The focus of the workshop will
be on using the codes, especially the TORT code. Detailed descriptions will be given on all input
parameters and output files, and numerous examples will be offered. Complete details about the
workshop program may be found on the web at
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Two changes were made to the computer code collection for the month. A new code system was
contributed by Japan and an existing code was replaced with a newly frozen version from China.
Radiation Physics Group, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, and the National Research Council of
Canada, Ottawa, contributed a newly frozen version of EGS4 for
simulating almost any electron-photon transport problem conceivable.
This code system is a general purpose package for the Monte Carlo
simulation of the coupled transport of electrons and photons in an
arbitrary geometry for particles with energies from a few keV up to several TeV. EGS4 Version
3.0 is available for Unix workstations, while the PC version is still at Version 2.0. Other
installations including the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK), Oho-machi,
Tsu-kuba-gun, Ibaraki-ken, Japan, and the Institute for Applied Physiology and Medicine,
Seattle, Washington, have also contributed to EGS development. See the EGS home page
http://ehssun.lbl.gov/egs/egs.html for details of the updates.
The codes are written in MORTRAN, a structured programming language implemented as a set
of macros used by a macro-processor to translate the language into ANSI-standard Fortran (a
preliminary step in the job). The resulting program is then run like any other Fortran program.
The PC version was tested using the Lahey Fortran Compiler F77L/EM/32 Version 5.2. EGS4
runs on several Unix workstations including Sun and DEC Alpha. A Fortran compiler is
required for all systems. Both PC and Unix distributions are included in this package which is
transmitted on CD-ROM in self-extracting compressed DOS files and a Unix tar file. References:
SLAC-265 (December 1985), SLAC TN-87-4, (August 31, 1988), PIRS No. 042 (July 1986).
MORTRAN; Sun Sparc, DEC and PC (C00331/MNYCP/00).
The Nankai University, China and the China Institute of Atomic Energy,
China, contributed this code system for calculating complex reactions of a
medium-heavy nucleus with six light particles. CCRMN calculates
several reaction cross sections for light-particle collisions with a heavy
nucleus. Up to six different light particles may be selected at interaction
energies between 1-100 MeV. The optical model uses Neumanove
methods to solve the radial equation. Coulomb wave functions used in the optical model are
calculated by the continued fraction method. The target nucleus is medium-heavy (A = 28-208)
and consists of up to six isotopes with largest mass difference less than 10. The interactions must
be with a neutron, proton, alpha, deuteron, triton, or 3He at energies between 1-100 MeV. Input is
limited to no more than 40 specified energy points.
CCRMN was developed on FACOM computers and also runs on HP, SUN, and IBM RS/6000
workstations. The code is written in Fortran 77 and was tested at RSICC using the IBM XLF
Fortran v 3.2.5 compiler. The package is transmitted on one DS/HD (1.44 MB) 3.5-in. diskette in
DOS. Reference: Informal report (Feb. 1996). Fortran 77; UNIX workstations
Date | Title | Description |
April 27 - 30 | SCALE KENO-VI Course | In-depth introduction to CSAS6/KENO-VI criticality safety code for complex geometries |
Oct. 27 - 30 | SCALE KENO V.a Course | In-depth introduction to CSAS/KENO V.a (May be combined with the SCALE Shielding & Source Terms Course) |
Nov. 2 - 5 | SCALE Shielding & Source Terms Course | In-depth introduction to SCALE shielding and depletion/decay sequences (including ORIGEN-ARP) |
Classes are limited to 24 participants and are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is
not obtained. Course fees are refundable up to one month before each class. Classes are
cosponsored by RSICC. For further information, contact Steve Bowman, scalehelp@ornl.gov ,
KENO-VI Training Course in April 1998
The SCALE staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is offering a KENO-VI Training
Course April 27-30, 1998. The course will be conducted at ORNL in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Attendees will gain hands-on experience in computer problem sessions each afternoon. The
registration fee is $1,200. This course is offered only once per year.
The number of registrants for the course is limited to 24. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come basis. Hotel rooms are available at the Garden Plaza Hotel (423-481-2468). Additional information can be obtained by FAX (423-576-3513 ) or e-mail (scalehelp@ornl.gov). The agenda and a registration form are included below.
Classes are limited to 24 participants and are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not obtained. Course fees are refundable up to one month before each class. For further information, contact Steve Bowman, scalehelp@ornl.gov , 423-574-5263.
The Second International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology (AccApp'98) is sponsored by the Accelerator Applications Technical Group of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), and is hosted by the Oak Ridge-Knoxville, Tennessee, USA Section of the ANS. It will be held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, during the week of September 20-23, 1998, at the Park Vista Hotel & Conference Center.
AccApp'98 will provide a forum for discussion of the uses of particle accelerator technology for nuclear applications. It will focus on production of neutrons and other particles, utilization of these particles for scientific or industrial purposes, production or destruction of radionuclides significant to energy, medicine, defense, or other endeavors, as well as imaging and diagnostics.
Papers are solicited in the following areas: applications, design, R&D needs, analytical methods,
tools and databases, economics, safety and licensing. The Call For Papers with all relevant
information and points of contact is located at http://www.engr.utk.edu/org/ans/AccApp98.
Please note the summary deadline is April 15, 1998.
Your attention is directed to the following events of interest.
April 1998
Technologies for the New Century, 1998 ANS Radiation Protection and Shielding Division
Topical Conference, Apr. 19-23, 1998, Nashville, Tennessee. Contact: Dan T. Ingersoll, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6363 (fax 423-574-9619).
May 1998
Radiation Oncology Resident's Review in Radiation Oncology Physics and Radiation Biology,
May 11-15, 1998, a continuing education course offered by the University of Texas at San
Antonio. Contact: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Continuing
Medical Education, 7703 Floyd Curl Dr., San Antonio, TX 78284-7980 (phone 210-567-4491;
fax 210-567-6964).
Physicist's Review in Radiation Oncology Physics, May 11-15, 1998, a continuing education
course offered by the University of Texas at San Antonio. Contact: The University of Texas
Health Science Center at San Antonio, Continuing Medical Education, 7703 Floyd Curl Dr., San
Antonio, TX 78284-7980 (phone 210-567-4491; fax 210-567-6964).
Computational Methods in Reactor Analysis and Shielding, May 18-22, 1998, Knoxville,
Tennessee, a short course offered by the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Contact: Lydia
Salmon, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (phone
423-974-2525; email lsalmon@utk.edu).
Nuclear Criticality Safety, May 18-22, 1998, Knoxville, Tennessee, a short course offered by the
University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Contact: Lydia Salmon, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (phone 423-974-2525; email lsalmon@utk.edu).
Monte Carlo Analysis, May 18-22, 1998, Knoxville, Tennessee, a short course offered by the
University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Contact: Lydia Salmon, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (phone 423-974-2525; email lsalmon@utk.edu).
Radiation Safety Officer's Course, May 18-22, 1998, a continuing education course offered by
the University of Texas at San Antonio. Contact: The University of Texas Health Science Center
at San Antonio, Continuing Medical Education, 7703 Floyd Curl Dr., San Antonio, TX
78284-7980 (phone 210-567-4491; fax 210-567-6964).
Practical MCNP for the HP, May 18-22, 1998, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos Campus.
Contact Dick Olsher, 505-667-3364, e-mail: dick@lanl.gov.
SAMO 98: Second International Symposium on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, May
19-22, 1998, University of Venice, Dorsoduro 3825, 30123 Venezia, Italy. Contact: Mrs. Dorit
Schlittenhardt, Public Relations and Publications Unit - JRC Ispra Site, TP 020, 21020 Ispra
(VA) Italy (phone 39 332 789370, fax: 39 332 785409, email dorit.schlittenhardt@jrc.org, web
Methodologies For Particle Transport Simulation and Their Application to Reactor Dosimetry/
Shielding, May 25-29, 1998, SCK/CEN, Mol, Belgium. Contact: Prof. Ali Haghighat, Penn State
University, Nucl. Eng. Dept., 231 Sackett Building, University Park, PA 16802 (phone
814-865-0039, fax 814-865-8499, email: http://haghigha@transport.nuce.psu.edu/).
June 1998
Radiation Safety Officer, June 8-12, Las Vegas, Nevada, a Technical Short Course offering of
Nevada Technical Associates. Contact: Nevada Technical Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 90748,
Henderson, NV 89009 (phone 702-564-2798; fax 702-558-7672).
3rd International Meeting of Physicists in the Inca Region, June 15-20, 1998, Cusco, Peru.
Contact: Jon Broadway, Internatl. Corps on Environment (ICE), Auburn University, 75
Technacenter Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117-6035 (phone: 334-242-2777; fax: 334-242-2755;
email: broadway@strudel.aum.edu).
July 1998
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 1998, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Contact:
Health Physics Society, Suite 402, 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, VA 22101-3926 (phone
703-790-1745; fax 703-790-2672; email: hpsburkmgt@aol.com).
September 1998
AccApp'98, Sept. 20-23, 1998, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, sponsored by the Oak Ridge-Knoxville,
TN, USA Section of the ANS. Contact: Dr. John Haines, Chairman, AccApp '98 Technical
Program Committee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8071, USA (phone
423-574-0966 Fax: 423-576-7926, email: hainesjr@ornl.gov), or
November 1998
Radiation Safety Officer, Nov. 2-6, 1998, Las Vegas, Nevada, a Technical Short Course offering
of Nevada Technical Associates. Contact: Nevada Technical Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 90748,
Henderson, NV 89009 (phone 702-564-2798; fax 702-558-7672).
June 1999
Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Application, June 7-11, 1999, Prague. Contact:
Pavel Dryák, Czech Metrological Institute, Radiova 1, CZ 102 00 Prague, Czech Republic
(phone: +420 2 67008244, fax: +420 2 67008466, email: pdryak@cmi.cz).
The following literature cited has been reviewed and placed in the RSICC Information Storage
and Retrieval Information System (SARIS), now searchable on the RSICC web server
(http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/rsic.html). This early announcement is made as a service to the
shielding community. Copies of the literature are not distributed by RSICC. They may
generally be obtained from the author or from a documentation center such as the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS), Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
For literature listed as available from INIS contact INIS Clearinghouse, International Atomic
Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna.
Health Phys., 74, 350-365 . . . Secondary Shielding Barriers for Diagnostic X-Ray Facilities: Scatter and Leakage Revisited. . . . Simpkin, D.J.; Dixon, R.L. . . . March 1998 . . . St. Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI; Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Health Phys., 74, 379-386 . . . Radiation Exposure Modeling for Apartment Living Spaces with Multiple Radioactive Sources. . . . Jing-Shiang Hwang; Chang-Chuan Chan; Jung-Der Wang; Wushou P. Chang . . . March 1998 . . . Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; National Taiwan University, Taiwan; National Yang Ming University Medical School.
CNIC-01230; INDC(CPR)-043/L . . . Evaluation of 235U Fission Product Yield Data and Study of the Dependence of Fission Yield Data on Neutron Energy. . . . Liu Tingjin . . . 1997 . . . CNDC, CIAE, Beijing, China. .
CINIC-01230; INDC(CPR)-043/L . . . The Sub-Library of Atomic Masses and Characteristic Constants of Nuclear Ground States (CENPL-MCC 2)(IV). . . . Su Zongdi; Sun Zhenjun; Zheng Chunkai . . . 1997 . . . China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, China; Peking University, Beijing, China.
KEK Preprint 98-58 . . . Particle Physics at Japan Hadron Facility. . . . Yoshitaka Kuno . . . June 1998 . . . High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. . . . . . . To be published in the Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on "Particle Physics Phenomenology," November 14-17, 1996, Taipei, R.O.C. (Taiwan).
KEK Preprint 97-9; KOBE HEP 97-02 . . . Measurement of the Proton-Antiproton Pair Production from Two-Photon Collisions at TRISTAN. . . . VENUS Collaboration . . . April 1997 . . . Institute of Applies Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, et al.
KEK Proceedings 97-5 . . . Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Simulating Accelerator
Radiation Environments (SARE3). . . . Hirayama, H., Ed. . . . June 1997 . . . KEK, High Energy
Accelerator Research Organization, Tokyo, Japan.
Last Updated on March 25, 1998 by Alice F. Rice