Radiation Safety Information Computational Center | |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Post Office Box 2008 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6362 Managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp. for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 Phone No. 423-574-6176 Internet: PDC@ORNL.GOV | |
No. 403 | July 1998 |
He who is false to the present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and you will see the effect when the weaving of a life-time is unraveled.--Channing |
Robert Block, current director of the laboratory, accepted the award from Ted Quinn, ANS president-elect and RPI alumnus, in an April 3 ceremony hosted by the ANS Eastern New York Section and RPI.
During its many years of operation, the Gaerttner LINAC Laboratory conducted measurements of neutron thermalization, neutron cross-sections on both stable and radioactive isotopes, neutron spectra from large pulsed assemblies, photoneutron production, radiation effects in components, and the effects of intense radiation in microelectronics. The plutonium-239 alpha measurements carried out jointly with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory showed that the steam-cooled intermediate spectrum breeder concept would not be practical because of the high alpha measured in this energy range. "As a result, the breeder program shifted its focus exclusively to the liquid-sodium-cooled LMFBR design. Numerous measurements were carried out in support of the LMFBR, as well as for thermal reactors, and today there is a strong program in low-energy cross-section measurements."
We in the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center have enjoyed a long reciprocal
relationship with the staff and students of RPI. We congratulate those who have and are
operating the Gaerttner LINAC Laboratory on receiving this award. If you wish to learn more
about the Gaerttner LINAC Laboratory you will find additional information at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory contributed a replacement for the MORSE portion of this Monte Carlo code system for the design and analysis of calorimeter systems, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) target systems, etc. CALOR95 was designed to assist experimentalists evaluate and analyze different types of calorimeter systems used in many high-energy physics experiments to determine the energy and direction of incident hadrons, leptons, and photons. The code package contains HETC95, SPECT95, EGS4, MORSE, and other support programs. The MORSE version in earlier releases of CALOR95 did not yield the correct energy balance because absorbed gamma-ray energies were underestimated.
CALOR95 runs on IBM RS/6000 computers and requires the XLF Fortran 77 compiler. It is
transmitted on either one CD-ROM, DC 6150 (150 MB), 4-mm DAT (8GB), or 8-mm (2.3GB)
cartridge tape in compressed UNIX tar format. References ORNL/TM-11185 (unpublished
report) and SDC-92-00257 (May 1992). Fortran 77; IBM RS/6000 (C00610/IRISC/01).
The Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland, contributed a new code system for one-dimensional transport and burnup calculations. In BISON-C the one-dimensional transport equation is solved by the discrete ordinates method with anisotropic scatterings. Bateman's method is adopted to solve the production-depletion equations for burnable nuclides. A burnup calculation is carried out by performing these two processes iteratively.
The BISON-C system was based on CCC-464/BISON 1.5, which was based on
CCC-254/ANISN-ORNL. The new code system extends the original code by providing burnup
calculation for fission products and other features like differentiation of time steps and burnup
normalization to the required thermal power. The new burnup library, based on JENDL-3,
additionally contains the fission product burnup chain and the fission yields for actinides
prepared from ENDF-B/VI data files. Included is a cross-section library processing system which
is comprised of XSCON, RESPL, and SIGC. BISON-C runs on Unix-based operating systems on
IBM RS/6000 and HP and requires a Fortran 77 compiler. It is transmitted on 2 DS/HD diskettes
in a compressed Unix tar file. Reference: INT 271/I (1997). Fortran 77; IBM RS/6000 and HP
Argonne National Laboratory-West, Idaho Falls, Idaho, contributed this computer code system for generalized least-squares evaluation of related cross sections for ENDF/B based on Gauss, Markov, and Aitken. The simultaneous evaluation of the interrelated cross section data of 6Li(n,), 6Li(n,n), 10B(n,0), 10B(n,1), 10B(n,n), 197Au(n,), 238U(n,), 235U(n,f), 239Pu(n,f), 238U(n,f) and the thermal constants was part of the evaluation of these data for ENDF/B-VI. The Fortran codes and the data files used for the simultaneous evaluation are included in this package. This experimental data analysis code system, known as GMA, utilizes the generalized least-squares estimation method. Associated codes included are RCL (which is used to edit, list and expand the basic data file) and DAT (which is used to reduce the cross section data to a common energy grid.)
GMA runs on UNIX operating systems on Sun and IBM RS/6000 workstations and on personal
computers. Executables created with the LAHEY F77L3/EM-32 5.2 compiler are included to run
on PCs in a DOS window of Windows95. The package is transmitted on 2 DS/HD diskettes in
both UNIX and DOS compressed formats. References: ANL/NDM-139, (ENDF-358)(1997).
Fortran 77, Fortran 90; Pentium-based PC, and Sun and IBM RS/6000 workstations
The Department of Nuclear Reactions at Moscow State University, Russia, contributed this code system designed for quick and easy estimations of basic stopping characteristics of proton transmission for generation of the source definition (SDEF) portion of the input data for MCNP. It does not generate the full MCNP input file. The MSM-SOURCE code generates the input data for the MCNP code (for 3b and 4 versions), simulating the set of single neutron sources, produced in the sample during the proton transmission. It permits one to extend the possibilities of the MCNP code for consideration of secondary neutrons from the proton interaction with nuclei of the sample substance. The MSM-SOURCE code is applicable for calculations of the proton transport for the incident energies from 0.1 to 1 GeV and various targets 12 < A < 238.
This code is based of the Moving Source Model (MSM) and Bethe stopping theory with the relativistic corrections for protons. It allows the estimations of the proton range, the changes of the proton current and the neutron production versus the depth. The double differential spectra and the multiplicities of nucleons, produced in the primary proton-induced reactions, are obtained.
MSM-SOURCE runs on many computers including personal computers and IBM RS/6000 under
either DOS or UNIX. It has been compiled with Microsoft Fortran 5.1, WatCom Fortran,
NDP-Fortran, and Lahey compilers on PC. The Lahey Fortran 90 V4.5 compiler was used to
create the executable included in the package which is transmitted on one DS/HD (1.44MB)
diskette written in DOS format. References: README.TXT (May 1998). Fortran 77; PC 386 or
higher processor, IBM RS/6000 (P00369/MNYCP/00).
Following FLINS'94 and FLINS'96, the first and second international workshops on this topic, FLINS'98 aims to bring together scientists, researchers, and people from industry to introduce the principles of intelligent systems and soft computing such as fuzzy logic (FL), neural network (NN), genetic algorithms (GA) and any combinations of FL, NN, and GA, knowledge based expert systems and complex problem solving techniques within nuclear industry and related research fields.
FLINS'98 offers a unique international forum to present and discuss new and useful techniques
for nuclear science and industry. Contact: Dr. Da Ruan, FLINS'98 Chair, SCKCEN-FLINS,
Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 200, B - 2400 Mol, Belgium (phone 32-14-33-2272, fax:
32-14-32-1529, email druan@sckcen.be). Additional information may be found at
http://www.sckcen.be/conferences/flins_ 98.html.
The Second International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology
(AccApp'98) is sponsored by the Accelerator Applications Technical Group of the American
Nuclear Society (ANS), and is hosted by the Oak Ridge-Knoxville, Tennessee, Section of the
ANS. It will be held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, during the week of September 20-23, 1998, at the
Park Vista Hotel & Conference Center. AccApp'98 will provide a forum for discussion of the
uses of particle accelerator technology for nuclear applications. It will focus on production of
neutrons and other particles, utilization of these particles for scientific or industrial purposes,
production or destruction of radionuclides significant to energy, medicine, defense, or other
endeavors, as well as imaging and diagnostics. Relevant information is located at
The Symposium theme is dosimetry for the assessment of irradiated reactor materials and reactor experiments, featuring radiation metrology techniques, databases and standardization. Inquiries and requests to be added to the mailing list should be sent to one of the of the following:
North and South America, East and Southeast
Dr. David W. Vehar |
Europe, Africa, Asia (other), and Australia:
Dr. Hamid Ait Abderrahim |
"Half a Century of Radiation Shielding Research and Its Evolution into the Next Era" is the
theme for the 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding to be held October 17-22,
1999, in Tsukuba, Japan. It is sponsored and organized by the Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute and co-sponsored by the OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency-Nuclear Science Committee
(NEA-NSC), Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ), and the Radiation Safety Information
Computational Center (RSICC). Participants in the conference explore the scientific,
technological and engineering issues associated with radiation shielding in broad nuclear energy
systems, accelerator facilities, space and general environments. Detailed information about the
conference may be obtained from Yujiro Ikeda, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai
Research Establishment, Neutron Science Research Center, Spallation Neutronics Laboratory,
Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-11 Japan (phone 81-29-282-6074, fax 81-29-282-5709,
email keda@fnshp.tokai.jaeri.go.jp) or from the web page at http://icrs9.tokai.jaeri.go.jp.
Your attention is directed to the following events of interest.
September 1998
AccApp'98, Sept. 20-23, 1998, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, sponsored by the Oak Ridge-Knoxville, TN, USA Section of the
ANS. Contact: Dr. John Haines, Chairman, AccApp '98 Technical Program Committee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8071, USA (phone 423-574-0966, fax 423-576-7926, email hainesjr@ornl.gov, url
Training Course on the Use of MCNP in Radiation Protection and Dosimetry, Sept. 28-1 Oct. 1998, at the Imperial
College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London. Contact: Robert Alan Price, Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine, T. H. Huxley School of the Environment, Earth Sciences and Engineering, Applied Modelling
and Computation Group, Centre for Environmental Technology, Room 405, Royal School of Mines Building, Prince
Consort Rd, London SW7 2BP, UK (phone 44-171-594- 9323, fax 44-171-594-9341, url
October 1998
4th Annual Workshop on Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiotherapy Treatment Sources using the OMEGA/BEAM Code
System, Oct. 5-8, 1998, Ottawa, Canada. Contact: Blake Walters, Ionizing Radiation Standards, National Research
Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6. (phone 613-993-2715, fax 613-952-9865, email bwalters@irs.phy.nrc.ca,
url www.irs.inms.nrc.ca/inms/irs/BEAM/ beamhome.html)
21st International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) Oct. 18-23, 1998, São
Paulo, Brazil. Contact: Dr. José Rubens Maiorino, Chairman 1998-RERTR Meeting, Comissão Nacional de Energia
Nuclear, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, Diretoria de Reatores, Travessa R 400 - Cidade Universitária-
CEP: 05508-900, São Paulo - SP - Brazil (phone 55-11-816-9111, fax 55-11-816-9432, email rertr98@net.ipen.br; url
7th Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS) Oct. 19-21, 1998,
NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Contact: Katy Nardi, (770-622-0026, email KatyNardi@aol.com).
November 1998
Radiation Safety Officer, Nov. 2-6, 1998, Las Vegas, Nevada, a Technical Short Course offering of Nevada Technical
Associates. Contact: Nevada Technical Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 90748, Henderson, NV 89009 (phone 702-564-2798,
fax 702-558-7672).
April 1999
First Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Tracks and Radiation, April 5-9, 1999, Caracas, Venezuela, Institute for
Advanced Studies, Convention Centre. Contact: Professor Laszlo Sajo, Universidad Simon Bolivar, FE-1, Apdo 89000,
Caracas, Venezuela, (phone 58-2-906- 3590, fax 58-2-906-3712, email lsajo@fis.usb.ve).
June 1999
Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Application, June 7-11, 1999, Prague. Contact: Pavel Dryák, Czech
Metrological Institute, Radiova 1, CZ 102 00 Prague, Czech Republic (phone 420-2-67008244, fax 420-2-67008466,
email pdryak@cmi.cz).
September 1999
Tenth International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Sept. 12-17, 1999, in Osaka, Japan. Contact: Dr. David W. Vehar
(505-845-3414, fax 505-844-0798, email: dwvehar@sandia.gov) or Dr. Hamid Ait Abderrahim (32-14-332277, fax 32-
14-321529, email haitabde@sckcen.be).
October 1999
Half a Century of Radiation Shielding Research and Its Evolution into the Next Era (ICRS-9) Oct. 17-22, 1999, Tsukuba, Japan, sponsored and organized by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Contact: Yujiro Ikeda, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai Research Establishment, Neutron Science Research Center, Spallation Neutronics Laboratory, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-11 Japan (phone 81-29-282-6074, fax 81-29-282-5709, email keda@fnshp.tokai.jaeri.go.jp, url http://icrs9.tokai.jaeri.go.jp.
Nucl. Technol., 122, 255-264 . . . Criticality Analysis of the Multiplying Material Inside the Chernobyl Sarcophagus. . . . Maucec, M.; Ravnik, M.; Glumac, B. . . . June 1998 . . . Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Nucl. Technol., 122, 276-283 . . . Fission Gas Release Determination Using an Anti-Compton Shield Detector. . . . Matsson, I.; Grapengiesser, B.; Jansson, P.; Hakansson, A.; Backlin, A. . . . June 1998 . . . ABB Atom AB, Vasteras, Sweden; Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Nucl. Technol., 122, 306-317 . . . A Structured Methodology for Waste Management Facility Accident Analysis. . . . Mueller, C.J.; Folga, S.M.; Roglans-Ribas, J.; Nabelssi, B.; Mishima, J. . . . June 1998 . . . Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL; Science Applications International Corp., Richland, WA.
Nucl. Technol., 122, 330-354 . . . Nuclear Applications of Accelerator-Driven Spallation Targets. . . . Van Tuyle, G.J. . . . June 1998 . . . Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.