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No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.--Calvin Coolidge
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A sharp reader of this newsletter may have noticed that the web address for the RSICC home
page changed in February to Those who have bookmarked
our homepage should change to the new url address.
Keep in Touch
In an effort to better serve our user community, RSICC has added an electronic notebook to our
world-wide web server ( User experience on the use of
the computer codes in the RSICC collection are very useful. Please use the notebook as a means
to share your experience.
Five changes were made to the computer code collection during the month. Two new code
systems were added to the collection, two existing code packages were updated to make
corrections, and an existing code package was replaced with a newly frozen version. One change
resulted from a foreign contribution.
J. K. Warkentin, Fort Worth, Texas, contributed a replacement of SKYIII-PC, which was converted from SKYSHINE-III to run on personal computers. This new release corrects the previously existing indexing problem leading to erroneous results for the "wall-scattered/air-scattered" contribution if a roof is modeled. Associated with these changes is the precaution that the detector height should always be lower than the base of the roof. Erroneous results for the roof portion of the "wall-scattered /air-attenuated" contribution will occur if a roof is modeled and the detector is not below the roof plane.
SKYSHINE was designed to aid in the evaluation of the effects of structure geometry on the gamma-ray dose rate at given detector positions outside of a building housing N16 gamma-ray sources. The program considers a rectangular structure enclosed by four walls and a roof. SKYSHINE-III provides an increase in versatility over the original SKYSHINE code in that it addresses both neutron and gamma-ray point sources. The Monte Carlo method is used in SKYSHINE-III to integrate the emitted radiation over the solid angles subtended by each wall, the floor, and the roof of the structure and to integrate the products of the shield, transmitted and reflected energy, and angle distributions times the air-scattered dose rates over exit energies and angles.
SKYIII-PC was compiled with the IBM Fortran/2 Compiler Version 4.00 and was tested at
RSICC in a DOS window of Windows95. It is transmitted on two 1.44 MB DS/HD 3.5-in.
diskettes in self-extracting compressed DOS files. References: RRA-T8209A (June 1982, revised
September 1988) and Informal Notes, Fort Worth, Texas, (Jan. 1997). Fortran 77; IBM PC
Compatible with coprocessor (C00289/IBMPC/01).
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, contributed a
correction to one of the codes in the SKYSHINE-KSU package.
The change corrects a small error in two output table captions for
SKYNEUT, one of the three codes in the package. Users may
contact RSICC for details on the change. The Monte Carlo
method is used to calculate neutron and gamma-ray skyshine
doses using the integral line-beam method. The SKYNEUT,
SKYDOSE, MCSKY codes, and the DLC-188/SKYDATA
library are included to form a comprehensive system for
calculating skyshine doses. The codes run on IBM PC and compatibles and can be easily ported
to almost any computer with a Fortran 77 compiler. They were written in Fortran 77 and tested in
a DOS window of Windows95. Executable files produced by the Microsoft Fortran compiler
(version 5.1) are included. Source codes, executable files, response function data files, and files
for input and output of example problems are transmitted on one 3.5-in DS/HD (1.44 MB)
diskette written in DOS format. References: KSU Report 9503 (June 1995), SAND95-1748 (July
1994), SAND95-1747 (July 1994), and KSU Report 271 (June 1995). Fortran 77; IBM PC
Chelyabinsk State University in Chelyabinsk, Russia, contributed this code system to calculate the transport characteristics of ion radiation for application to radiation protection, dosimetry and microdosimetry, and radiation physics of solids. Ions in the range Z=1-92 are handled. The energy range for protons is 0.001-10,000 MeV. For other ions the energy range is 0.001-100 MeV/nucleon. Computed quantities include stopping powers and ranges; spatial, angular and energy distributions of particle current and fluence; spatial distributions of the absorbed dose; and spatial distributions of thermalized ions. The method of computation is statistical simulation of particle tracks on the framework of the model of condensed collisions with allowance for fluctuations of proton free path, Monte-Carlo estimates on the simulated tracks, and analytical formulae. Stopping powers are computed by empirical method, further referred to as 'Ziegler et al'. Some tables of stopping powers for protons are also included. Users can extend the package by adding their own tables of stopping powers.
The MS Fortran for Power Stations ver. 1.0 compiler was used to create the executables included
in the package. The code runs in WIN95/DOS 7.0. Reference: Informal documentation. Fortran
77; IBM PC 386 (C00651/PC386/00).
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, contributed this code system for analysis of fast reactor fuel cycles. REBUS-3 is a system of codes designed for the analysis of fast reactor fuel cycles. Two basic types of analysis problems are solved: 1) the infinite-time, or equilibrium, conditions of a reactor operating under a fixed fuel management scheme, or, 2) the explicit cycle-by-cycle, or nonequilibrium operation of a reactor under a specified periodic or non-periodic fuel management program. For the equilibrium type problems, the code uses specified external fuel supplies to load the reactor. Optionally, reprocessing may be included in the specification of the external fuel cycle and discharged fuel may be recycled back into the reactor. For non-equilibrium cases, the initial composition of the reactor core may be explicitly specified or the core may be loaded from external feeds and discharged fuel may be recycled back into the reactor as in equilibrium problems. REBUS-3 will handle both equilibrium and non-equilibrium problems using a number of different core geometries including triangular and hexagonal mesh. The neutronics solution may be obtained using finite difference or nodal diffusion-theory methods.
Four types of search procedures may be carried out in order to satisfy user-supplied constraints: 1) adjustment of the reactor burn cycle time to achieve a specified discharge burnup, 2) adjustment of the fresh fuel enrichment to achieve a specified multiplication constant at a specified point during the burn cycle, 3) adjustment of the control poison density to maintain a specified value of the multiplication constant throughout the reactor burn cycle, and 4) adjustment of the reactor burn cycle time to achieve a specified value of the multiplication constant at the end of the burn step. REBUS-3 will handle both equilibrium and non-equilibrium problems using a number of different core geometries including triangular and hexagonal mesh. The neutronics solution may be obtained using finite difference or nodal diffusion-theory methods via DIF3D, which is included in this package.
REBUS3 runs on Sun SparcStations under the SunOS 4.1.3x and SOLARIS 2.5 operating
systems and on IBM RS/6000 under AIX 3.2 and 4.2. The package is transmitted on either
CD-ROM or cartridge tape in a GNU compressed tar file. References: ANL-83-2, ANL-7721,
ANL-82-64 and ANL-83-1. Fortran 77;Sun or IBM workstations (C00653/MNYWS/00).
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, contributed a newly frozen version of this multidimensional, finite-difference heat conduction analysis code system. HEATING 7.3 was added to the HEATING 7.2i package, and the Unix and PC versions of both 7.2i and 7.3 were merged into one package. HEATING solves steady-state and/or transient heat conduction problems in one-, two-, or three-dimensional Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates. A model may include multiple materials, and the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat of each material may be both time- and temperature-dependent. The thermal conductivity may also be anisotropic. Materials may undergo change of phase. Thermal properties of materials may be input or may be extracted from a material properties library. Heat-generation rates may be dependent on time, temperature, and position, and boundary temperatures may be time- and position-dependent.
HEATING 7.3 is being released as a beta-test version; therefore, it does not entirely replace HEATING 7.2i. There is no published documentation for HEATING 7.3; but a listing of input specifications, which reflects changes for 7.3, is included in the package documentation. For 3-D problems, surface fluxes may be plotted with HEATING 7.3.
HEATING7.2i runs on several Unix systems including IBM RS/600, Sun, DEC, DEC Alpha, HP and Cray. Fortran 77 and C compilers are required. For the PC version, a Fortran compiler and DOS extender software are needed to create new executables or to compile and load user-supplied subroutines. The Microway NDP Fortran 386 4.2.1 compiler was used to create 7.2i executables included in package. HEATING 7.3 is written in Fortran 77 but includes some Fortran 90 features. HEATING 7.3 PC executables were created using Microsoft Powerstation v4.0. Visual Basic 4.0 was used to create the graphical front end for the program. Windows95 or WindowsNT is required to use the GUI version of HEATING 7.3, though a non-GUI version is included in the package that may be run in a DOS window of Windows95 or WindowsNT. HEATING7.3 for Unix was tested only on IBM RS/6000 and requires the XLF 3.2 compiler.
Included are the referenced document and 8 (1.44 MB) 3.5-in. DS/HD diskettes in DOS format which contain source, PC executables, script files, and sample cases. The Unix versions are written in compressed Unix tar files but are transmitted on DOS formatted diskettes. References: ORNL/TM-12262 (February 1993). HEATING 7.2i: Fortran 77 and C; UNIX Workstation or Mainframe and 386 or 486 PC; HEATING 7.3: Fortran 90 and C; 486 PC and IBM RS/6000 (P00199/MNYCP/00).
The following literature cited has been ordered for review, and that selected as suitable will be placed in the RSICC Information Storage and Retrieval Information System (SARIS). This early announcement is made as a service to the shielding community. Copies of the literature are not distributed by RSICC. They may generally be obtained from the author or from a documentation center such as the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161. For literature listed as available from INIS contact INIS Clearinghouse, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna.
RSICC maintains a microfiche file of the literature entered into SARIS, and duplicate copies of out-of-print reports may be available on request. Naturally, we cannot fill requests for literature which is copyrighted (such as books or journal articles) or whose distribution is restricted.
This literature is on order. It is not in our system. Please order from NTIS or other available
source as indicated.
Radiation Shielding Literature
App. Math. Comp., 77, 9-32 . . . Epstein-Hubbell Elliptictype Integral and Its Generalizations. . . . ; Al-Zamel, A.; Kalla, S. . . . 1996 . . . Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait.
App. Math. Comp., 83, 19-26 . . . A Study on the Epstein-Hubbell Generalized Elliptic-Type Integral Using Residue Theory. . . . Cengiz, A. . . . 1997 . . . Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.
Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 3, . . . A Note on the Epstein-Hubbell Integral. . . . Pinter, A. . . . 1995 . . . Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, Hungary.
Nucl. Technol., 118, 132-141 . . . Stochastic Radionuclide Distributions After A Basaltic Eruption for Performance Assessments of Yucca Mountain. . . .May 1997 . . . Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas.
Nucl. Technol., 118, 142-150 . . . Comparison of Characteristics of Solution and Conventional Reactors for 99Mo Production. . . . Glenn, D.; Heger, A.S.; Hladik, W.B., III . . . May 1997 . . . Department of Energy, Los Alamos, NM; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
INDC(JPN)-177/U . . . Progress Report. . . . Katakura, J., ed. . . . March 1997 . . . Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ibaraki-ken, Japan .
INDC(NDS)-359 . . . The Nuclear Data Centres Network. . . . Lemmel, H.D., ed. . . . March 1997 . . . IAEA Nuclear Data Section, Vienna, Austria.
INDC(JPN)-179/U; JAERI-Conf 97-005 . . . Proceedings of the 1996 Symposium on Nuclear Data. . . . Iguchi, T.; Fukahori, T., eds. . . . March 1997 . . . Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ibaraki-ken, Japan . . . November 21-22, 1996, JAERI, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan.
NCRP REPORT No. 125 . . . Deposition, Retention and Dosimetry of Inhaled Radioactive
Substances. . . . February 1997 . . . National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements,
Bethseda, MD.
Computer Codes Literature
Nucl. Technol, 118, 162-174 RELAP5; ATHLET
Simulation of a Small Cold-Leg-Break Experiment at the PMK-2 Test Facility Using the RELAP5 and ATHLET Codes.. . .Ezsol, G.; Guba, A.; Perneczky, L.; Krepper, E.; Prasser, H.M.; Schafer, F.. . .05/97. . .KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary; Research Center Rossendorf Inc., Germany.
Date Posted July 11, 1997 (afr))
Last Modified July 11, 1997(afr)