Radiation Safety Information Computational Center

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Post Office Box 2008
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6362
Managed by
Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.
for the U.S. Department of Energy
under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464

Phone No. 423-574-6176
FAX 423-574-6182

Internet: PDC@ORNL.GOV
WWW: http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/rsic.html

No. 411 March 1999
Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it's done, and done right.--Walt Disney

Year 2000

Feedback from developers and users on issues related to Y2000 compatibility on RSICC-distributed codes is welcome and needed! Please contact RSICC via email or post related information on our electronic notebook. Updated information about Y2K issues in RSICC packages may be found at http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/year2000.html. The following disclaimer applies to all RSICC-distributed codes/data libraries.

This material was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work and describes a code system or data library which is one of a series collected by the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC). These codes/data were developed by various Government and private organizations who contributed them to RSICC for distribution; they did not normally originate at RSICC. RSICC is informed that each code system has been tested by the contributor, and, if practical, sample problems have been run by RSICC. Neither the United States Government, nor the Department of Energy, nor Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation, nor any person acting on behalf of the Department of Energy or Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or functioning of any information code/data and related material, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, the Department of Energy, Energy Systems, nor any person acting on behalf of the Department of Energy or Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.


Several U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) software packages which were transferred from the ESTSC to RSICC were incorporated into the RSICC computer code collection. Please browse the computer code abstracts available at RSICC's www site for more information on these packages.



Two changes or additions were made to the computer code collection during the month. One new code system was packaged and added to the collection, and one code system was extended with an additional hardware version. Both changes resulted from foreign contributions.

The Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, through the OECD NEA Data Bank in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, contributed a personal computer version of MARMER, a point-kernel shielding code system to calculate the dose rate, energy absorption rate, energy flux or gamma-ray flux due to several sources at any point in a complex geometry. The geometry is described by the MARS geometry system which makes use of combinatorial geometry and an array repeating feature. Source spectra may be defined in several ways including an option to read a binary file containing nuclide concentrations calculated by ORIGEN-S. Therefore, MARMER makes use of a nuclide data library containing half-life times, decay energies, and gamma yields for over 1000 nuclides. This PC code is based on the 1990 VAX 6000 release which included ORIGEN-S and a preprocessor named PREORI. Although the PC version does not include ORIGEN, it allows one to use ORIGEN-2 (PCH) output for specifying nuclide composition. Executables created with Lahey F77L-EM/32 Version 5.11 are included in the package which is transmitted on one diskette. Reference: IRI-131-89-03/2 (June 1990). Fortran 77; IBM PC (C00579/PC486/00).

The Inst. f. Reaktorsicherheit, Vienna, Austria, through the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, contributed this code system to calculate reactivity transients. RETRANS calculates power excursions in light water reactors initiated by reactivity insertions due to withdrawal of control elements. The neutron physical model is based on the time-dependent two-group neutron diffusion equations. The state of the coolant is approximated by a table built into the code. RETRANS solves the heat conduction equation and calculates the heat transfer coefficient for representative fuel rods at each time-step. Modeling is limited to R-Z geometry and one-phase-flow.

The code system runs on SUN Sparcstations under the Sun OS 5.6 (Solaris 2.6) operating system with the Fortran 77 compiler version 4.2. The package is transmitted on a diskette with source and test case in a UNIX tar file. Reference: Computer Physics Communications 38, CPC00507 (May 1985). Fortran 77; SUN SPARC 60 (C00669/SUN05/00).


RSICC attempts to keep its users/contributors advised of conferences, courses, and symposia in the field of radiation protection, transport, and shielding through this section of the newsletter. Should you be involved in the planning/organization of such events, feel free to send your announcements and calls for papers via email to raf@ornl.gov with "conferences" in the subject line. Please include the announcement in its native format as an attachment to the message. If the meeting is on a website, please include the url.

MCNP Courses

The MCNP code developers will present one introductory class at Los Alamos National Laboratory and two classes will be taught in Europe in 1999. The dates for these classes are

The introductory class is for people who have little or no experience with MCNP. The intermediate to advanced class will be held for people who have used MCNP and want to extend their knowledge and gain depth of understanding. We plan to showcase the preliminary 4C version of MCNP that will be in a pre-release status. The new features that will be discussed include:

Other capabilities of MCNP to be covered are:

All classes provide interactive computer learning, with time available to discuss individual questions and problems with MCNP experts or to pursue in more detail topics mentioned in the talks. Please note that other classes are offered based on MCNP. For more information and to register for the LANL classes, contact Judi Briesmeister, jfb@lanl.gov. For information on the European classes, contact Enrico Sartori, OECD/NEA, sartori@nea.fr.

Judi Briesmeister
Code Integration Group (X-CI), Los Alamos National Laboratory

6th International Training Course/Workshop on
Methodologies for Particle Transport Simulation of Nuclear Systems

The 6th Intl. Workshop will be held May 17-21, 1999, at the Pennsylvania State University. The workshop is cosponsored by the Penn State Transport Theory Group, OECD/NEA Data Bank, and RSICC with cooperation from the IAEA. The course will combine lectures on transport theory methods with hands-on practice in using standard computer codes (Discrete Ordinates code DORT/TORT, Monte Carlo code MCNP) available through RSICC, as well as the A3MCNP (Automated Adjoint-Accelerated MCNP) and PENTRAN (3-D parallel Sn) code systems developed at Penn State. To be included on the mailing list and receive additional information, please send an email message to haghigha@gracie.psu.edu or petrovic@gracie.psu.edu with your name, title/position, company, address, phone/fax/email, or contact Prof. Haghighat or Dr. Petrovic at the following address.

Penn State University
Nuclear Engineering Department
231 Sackett Building
University Park, PA 16802
(Prof. Haghighat's phone, 814-865-0039; fax, 814-865-8499: Dr. Petrovic's numbers 814-865-0045; fax, 814-865-8499).

European participants may contact:

Enrico Sartori
OECD/NEA Data Bank
12 Bd des Iles
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

Tel.+33 1 45 24 10 72; Fax +33 1 45 24 11 10; www http://www.nea.fr; e-mail sartori@nea.fr. Detailed information is available at the following url: http://gracie.nuce.psu.edu/wshop99/sch99c.html.

International Conference on Future Nuclear Systems Nuclear Technology--Bridging the Millennia

GLOBAL '99 is the fourth conference of the GLOBAL series. It will be held August 29-September 3, 1999, at the Snow King Resort in Jackson, Wyoming. This conference emphasizes the challenges inherent in advancing the use of nuclear technologies in the next century with discussions in four specific areas: uses of nuclear technology; advanced nuclear energy concepts; fuel cycle and waste management; and nuclear resources (both human and facilities). Specific papers may address areas such as:

The deadline for pre-registration is June 30. For further information contact: todd.allen@anl.gov

Argonne National Laboratory - West
P. O. Box 2528
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401-2528
Phone: 208-533-7760
Fax: 208-533-7863

Third International Conference on Isotopes

The Third International Conference on Isotopes (3ICI) will be held in the Renaissance Hotel in Vancouver, Canada, September 6-10, 1999. The conference will be hosted by TRIUMF, Canada's national accelerator facility and a major center for isotope production and applications in research and medicine, in conjunction with the Canadian Chapter meeting of the International Isotope Society.

The scientific program will consist of plenary and parallel oral sessions and poster presentations. Topics will include the following:

Persons interested in presenting an oral or poster paper should prepare a one page abstract in accord with the instructions on the web page: http://www.triumf.ca/3ici/. Further information is available from Ms. Elly M. Driessen, TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 2A3 (phone 604-222-7352, fax 604-222-1074, email ici@triumf.ca).

SCALE Criticality Safety Training Course--Europe

We have received several requests from SCALE users for organising the next SCALE training course in Europe. As you may know already, from 20-24 September 1999 the "International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC'99)" will take place in Versailles, France; http://www.ipsn.fr/icnc99/. We have found it therefore convenient to organise this training course the week before that conference. This will facilitate both attendance in the criticality safety training course and be part of the last major event in criticality safety of this decade (sorry but I shall not use the term millennium).

We plan to hold this training course in the premises of the French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Techniques (INSTN) located about 6 miles from Versailles. The course will be given by the authors and code managers from the ORNL (http://www.cad.ornl.gov/scale).

The technical programme of the workshop has been designed by Steve Bowman, SCALE Project Leader, Computational Physics & Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (phone +1 423-574-5263, fax+1 423-576-3513, email st5@ornl.gov). An attendance certificate will be delivered at the end of the course. This course is organised in co-operation with the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC). More precise information, including the exact participation fee, location, transportation and accommodation possibilities will be provided later.

Best regards,
Enrico Sartori
OECD/NEA Data Bank
12 Bd des Iles
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Tel.+33 1 45 24 10 72; Fax +33 1 45 24 11 10; www http://www.nea.fr; e-mail sartori@nea.fr

The SCALE KENO VI Criticality Course focuses on KENO VI and the associated criticality analysis sequences in CSAS. This version of KENO can handle triangular pitch fuel such as that required for VVER lattices. The number of registrants for each course is limited. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come basis.

Tenth International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry

The Tenth International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry will be held September 12-17, 1999, in Osaka, Japan. About every three years this symposium provides a forum for the interchange of state-of-the-art techniques, databases and standardization of radiation metrology. The Symposium will be of value to those involved in reactor dosimetry, including researchers, manufacturers and representatives from industry, utilities and regulatory agencies. The Symposium is jointly sponsored by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the European Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry (EWGRD). It is organized by ASTM Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications and EWGRD.

The Symposium theme is dosimetry for the assessment of irradiated reactor materials and reactor experiments, featuring radiation metrology techniques, databases and standardization. Inquiries and requests to be added to the mailing list should be sent to one of the following: North & South America, East & Southeast Asia:

Dr. David W. Vehar
ASTM Program Secretary
Sandia National Laboratories, MS-1136
P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185-1136, USA

Phone: 505-845-3414, fax: 505-844-0798
email: dwvehar@sandia.gov

Europe, Africa, Asia (other), and Australia:

Dr. Hamid Ait Abderrahim
EWGRD Programme Secretary
Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, BELGIUM

Phone: 32-14-332277, fax: 32-14-321529
email: haitabde@sckcen.be

Introduction to MCNP Short Course

Personnel from the X Division of Los Alamos National Lab have agreed to teach a four-day short course on MCNP September 29-October 2, 1999, at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. The first 20 paid applicants will be accepted and the cost ($1800) will be reduced if payment is received by August 1, 1999. Registration will close on September 1, 1999. This introductory class is for people who have never used MCNP or have very limited experience with the code and will include interactive computer sessions. Topics to be covered include basic geometry and advanced geometry, source definitions, tallies, data, variance reduction, statistical analysis, plotting (geometry, tallies, and particle tracks) and neutron/photon/electron physics. Time will be available to discuss individual questions and problems with MCNP experts or to pursue topics mentioned in the talks. The class will use the pre-release version 4C of MCNP. New features that will be briefly discussed include macrobodies, unresolved resonance treatment, perturbation enhancement, alpha eigenvalues, and cumulative tallies. A manual will be provided for use in the classroom. As co-sponsor of the workshop, RSICC will provide a CD with the code package and the data after the class is over for a nominal cost of $300 payable to RSICC. Apply by e-mail to Dr. T. S. Elleman, e-mail elleman@ncsu.edu (please copy to Dr. R. P. Gardner; e-mail gardner@ncsu.edu). Make checks or money orders payable to MCNP/IRRMA and mail to:

Dr. T. S. Elleman
Nuclear Engineering Department, Box 7909
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7909 USA
phone 919-515-3620
fax 919-515-5115
It is possible to register on-line at www.quantumres.com.

The workshop will be followed by the Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications (IRRMA-IV) topical meeting in Raleigh, NC. Those attending the IRRMA topical will be able to attend the MCNP short course and stay for the IRRMA-IV topical which will have two or three sessions on the application of Monte Carlo simulation on topics of interest to IRRMA. It is suggested that attendees of the MCNP short course also use the Velvet Cloak Inn (Phone numbers 800-223-0888 or 800-334-4372).


A call for papers has been issued for the 4th Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications IRRMA '99. The meeting will be held October 3-7, 1999, in Raleigh, North Carolina. It will bring together scientists and engineers from around the world with an interest in the use of nuclear radiation and radioisotopes for industrial measurement applications. IRRMA '99 is sponsored by the Isotopes and Radiation Division of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), the Eastern Carolinas Section of ANS, the Center for Engineering Applications of Radioisotopes at North Carolina State University, and Quantum Research Services, Inc. Presentation summaries will be published by ANS and will be available at the meeting. Selected papers will be published in full in the journal Applied Radiation and Isotopes, published by Elsevier Science. Sessions are planned in the following categories:

Additional information may be found at http://www.quantumres.com./irrma.html or contact
Dr. Thomas S. Elleman
Department of Nuclear Engineering
North Carolina State University, Box 7909
Raleigh, NC 27695-7909 U.S.A.
Telephone 919-515-2302
Fax 919-515-5115
E-mail elleman@eos.ncsu.edu

"Half a Century of Radiation Shielding Research and Its Evolution into the Next Era" is the theme for the 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS 9) to be held October 17-22, 1999, in Tsukuba, Japan. It is sponsored and organized by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute and co-sponsored by the OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency-Nuclear Science Committee (NEA-NSC), Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ), and the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC). Participants in the conference explore the scientific, technological and engineering issues associated with radiation shielding in broad nuclear energy systems, accelerator facilities, space and general environments. Detailed information about the conference may be obtained from Yujiro Ikeda, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai Research Establishment, Neutron Science Research Center, Spallation Neutronics Laboratory, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-11 Japan (phone 81-29-282-6074, fax 81-29-282-5709, email ikeda@fnshp.tokai. jaeri.go.jp) or from the web page at http://icrs9.tokai.jaeri.go.jp.

Plutonium Futures--The Science

The Plutonium Futures--The Science conference will be held at La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 10-13, 2000. Conference participants will examine present knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of plutonium and other actinides in complex media and materials; discuss current and emerging science (chemistry, physics, materials science, nuclear science, and environmental effects) of plutonium and actinides relevant to enhancing global nuclear security; and promote the exchange of ideas. The scientific program will include invited plenary and keynote lectures followed by presentations of invited and contributed papers in oral and poster sessions. The plenary sessions will include participation by policy makers and elected officials as well as scientific leaders. English is the official language of the conference. The extended abstracts from the conference will be published. The conference will cover scientific topics in plutonium and actinide sciences including actinides in the environment and the science underlying plutonium disposition. Conference subtopics include:

If you are interested in Plutonium Futures--The Science and wish to receive the future announcements, including the Call for Papers, complete and submit the on-line Information Request Form (http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/nmt/nmtdo/PuConf2000/2krequest.html). You may also email us or write to the address given below.

Plutonium Futures--The Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nuclear Materials Technology Division
P.O. Box 1663
MS E500
Los Alamos, NM, USA 87545

Contact: Andria Liesse
Telephone: 505-665-5981
Conference E-mail: Puconf2000@lanl.gov
Fax: 505-667-7966


Your attention is directed to the following events of interest.

May 1999

SARPA-SAAPMB 1999 Joint Autumn School and Congress, May 11-14, 1999, Hartbeespoort, South Africa, sponsored by the AEC of SA Ltd. Contact: Suzi Van Eck, Conference Secretary, AEC - Building 2100B, P.O. Box 582 Pretoria 0001, South Africa (phone 27-0-12 316.6034/5888, fax 27-0-12 316.6207, email suzi@aec.co.za, url http://www.nml.csir.co.za/sarpa/conferen.htm).

Methodologies for Particle Transport Simulation of Nuclear Systems, 6th Internatl. Workshop, May 17-21, 1999, Penn State University. Contact: Prof. Haghighat or Dr. Petrovic at Penn State University, Nuclear Engineering Department, 231 Sackett Building, University Park, PA 16802 (phone 814-865-0039 or 814-865-0045; fax, 814-865-8499 or 814-865-8499). European participants may contact: Enrico Sartori, OECD/NEA Data Bank, 12 Bd des Iles, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.

Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology '99, May 18-21, 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany, sponsored by the German Nuclear Society and the Germany Nuclear Forum. Contact: INFORUM GmbH, Congress Office, Heussallee 10, D 53113 Bonn, Germany (phone 49-0-228-507-223, fax 49-0-228-507-262, email inforum_gmbh@compuserve.com).

Communicating the Nuclear Advantage, May 30-June 2, 1999, Montreal, Quebec. Contact: Canadian Nuclear Assoc., Suite 475, 144 Front St., Toronto, Ontario Canada M5J 2L7 (phone 416-977-6152 ext. 18; fax 416-979-8356, email carons@cna.ca, url www.cna.ca.

Canadian Radiation Protection Association, May 31-June 3, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Contact: 1999 CRPA Organizing Committee, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Room 127, Toxicology Research Centre, 44 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5B3 (phone 306-975-0566, fax 306-975-0494, email bbjorndal@cairs.ca, web www.safety.ubc.ca/rad/radhome.htm.

June 1999

ANS Annual Meeting, June 6-10, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts. Contact: ANS, 555 N.Kensington Ave., La Grange Park, IL 60526 USA (phone 708-352-6611, fax: 708-352-0499) http://WWW.ANS.ORG/meetings/

ICNRP '99, Second International Conference Nuclear and Radiation Physics, June 7-10, 1999, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Contact: Kislitsin Sergey, Institute of Nuclear Physics NNC RK, Ibragimov Street,1, Almaty 480082 Kazakhstan (phone 7-3272-545143; 7-3272) 546467: fax 7-3272546517: email: ksb@satsun.sci.kz).

Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Application, June 7-11, 1999, Prague. Contact: Pavel Dryák, Czech Metrological Institute, Radiova 1, CZ 102 00 Prague, Czech Republic (phone 420-2-67008244, fax 420-2-67008466, email pdryak@cmi.cz).

Executive Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning and Spent Fuel Management, June 27-30, 1999, Traverse City, Michigan, sponsored by the ANS. Contact: Ken Powers, Big Rock Point Restoration Project, 10269 U.S. 31 N., Charelvoix, MI 49720 (phone 616-547-8388, fax 616-547-8187).

August 1999

Computational Methods in Reactor Analysis and Shielding, Aug. 16-20, 1999, Knoxville, Tennessee, a short course offered by the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Contact: Lydia Salmon, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-2300 (phone 423-974-2525, fax 423-974-0668).

Nuclear Criticality Safety, Aug. 16-20, 1999, Knoxville, Tennessee, a short course offered by the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Contact: Lydia Salmon, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-2300 (phone 423-974-2525, fax 423-974-0668).

Monte Carlo Analysis, Aug. 16-20, 1999, Knoxville, Tennessee, a short course offered by the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Contact: Lydia Salmon, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-2300 (phone 423-974-2525, fax 423-974-0668).

GLOBAL '99 is the fourth conference of the GLOBAL series. It will be held Aug. 29-Sept. 3, 1999, Jackson, Wyoming. Contact: todd.allen@anl.gov; Argonne National Laboratory - West, P. O. Box 2528, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401-2528 (phone 208-533-7760, fax 208-533-7863, http://www.anlw.anl.gov/global99/)

September 1999

3rd International Conference on Isotopes, September 6-10, 1999, Vancouver, Canada. Contact http://www.triumf.ca/3ici/.

Tenth International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Sept. 12-17, 1999, in Osaka, Japan. Contact: Dr. David W. Vehar (phone 505-845-3414, fax 505-844-0798, email: dwvehar@sandia.gov) or Dr. Hamid Ait Abderrahim (phone 32-14-332277, fax 32-14-321529, email haitabde@sckcen.be).

SCALE Criticality Course (KENO V.a), Sept. 13-17, 1999, INSTN, Saclay, France. Contact: Enrico Sartori, OECD/NEA Data Bank, Le Seine-Saint Germain, 12 boulevard des Iles, F- 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (phone 33-0-1-4524-1072; fax 33-0-1-4524-1110; email sartori@nea.fr).

6th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, September 20-24, 1999, Versailles, France. Contact: http://www.ipsn.fr/icnc99/.

October 1999

Half a Century of Radiation Shielding Research and Its Evolution into the Next Era (ICRS-9), Oct. 17-22, 1999, Tsukuba, Japan, sponsored and organized by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Contact: Yujiro Ikeda, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai Research Establishment, Neutron Science Research Center, Spallation Neutronics Laboratory, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-11 Japan (phone 81-29-282-6074, fax 81-29-282-5709, email ikeda@fnshp.tokai.jaeri.go.jp, url http://icrs9.tokai.jaeri.go.jp).

July 2000

Plutonium Futures--The Science, July 10-13, 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Contact: Plutonium Futures--The Science, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Nuclear Materials Technology Division, P.O. Box 1663, MS E500, Los Alamos, NM, USA 87545 (phone 505-665-5981, fax 505-667-7966, email Puconf2000@lanl.gov).


The following literature cited has been reviewed and placed in the RSICC Information Storage and Retrieval Information System (SARIS), now searchable on the RSICC web server (http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/SARIS.html). This early announcement is made as a service to the shielding community. Copies of the literature are not distributed by RSICC. They may generally be obtained from the author or from a documentation center such as the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161. For literature listed as available from INIS contact INIS Clearinghouse, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna.

Radiation Shielding Literature

Nucl. Electronics Detec. Tech.,18, 272-274 . . . Photon Transportation Code for Coal Slurry System and Its Experimental Benchmark. . . . Wang Rushan; Jian Hongyu . . . July 1998 . . . Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.. . . In Chinese.

Nucl. Electron. Detec. Tech., 18, 371-374 . . . Determination of the Ash Content of Coal Using Annihilation Radiation. . . . Guo Hongxia; Zhou Hui; Lin Dongshen; et al. . . . September 1998 . . . . In Chinese.

Nucl. Electron. Detec. Tech., 18, 375-378 . . . Measurement of Soil Density and Water Content by Attenuation of Bi-Energy Gamma Rays. . . . Chang Dongmei; Guo Hongxia; Lin Dongsheng . . . September 1998 . . . Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi'an, China. . . . In Chinese.

Nucl. Electron. Detect. Tech., 18, 386-390 . . . A Pseudo-Random Number Generator and Its Spectral Test. . . . Wang Lai . . . September 1998 . . . Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. . . In Chinese.

ICRP, 18, 322-329 . . . Issues That Are of Importance for the International Commission on Radiological Protection as the Millennium Approaches. . . . Clark, R. H. . . . September 1998.

ICRP, 18, 330-336 . . . ICRP Publication 60: How Much Science, How Much Judgement? Reflections on a Few Different Issues. . . . Meinhold, C. . . . September 1998 . . . National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, USA.

ICRP, 18, 337-348 . . . The Linear Relationship. . . . Beninson, D.; Lindell, B. . . . September 1998.

ICRP, 18, 349-359 . . . Development of the Practical Application of the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. . . . Dunster, H.J. . . . September 1998.

ICRP, 18, 360-364 . . . Work of ICRP Committee 3: Radiation Protection in Medicine. . . . Harding, L.K.; Mettler, F.A., Jr. . . . September 1998.

ICRP, 18, 365-379 . . . Dosimetric and Biokinetic Models of the ICRP for the Assessment of Internal Doses from Radionuclides. . . . Kaul, A. . . . September 1998 . . . Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Salzgitter, Germany.

ICRP, 18, 380-391 . . . ICRP and the Progress in Radiation Protection - In Commemoration of the 70-Year Anniversary of ICRP. . . . Li Deping . . . September 1998 . . . China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, China.

ICRP, 18, 392-397 . . . ICRP and Chinese Radiation Protection Community. . . . Pan Ziqiang . . . September 1998 . . . China Atomic Energy Authority, Beijing, China.

ICRP, 18, 398-406 . . . The Scientific Base of ICRP Recommendations Is It Changing? Can We Strengthen It? . . . Sinclair, W.K. . . . September 1998 . . . National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, Maryland.

ICRP, 18, 407-416 . . . ICRP Committee 4: More Recent Activities. . . . Winkler, B.C. . . . September 1998 . . . Council for Nuclear Safety, Centurion, Republic of South Africa.

ICRP, 18, 417-425 . . . ICRP Recommendations: Early Advice, Publication 60, and Later Guidance. . . . Valentin, J. . . . September 1998 . . . ICRP, Stockholm, Sweden.

Rad. Prot., 18, 241-260 . . . Environmental Radioactive Contamination and Its Control for Nuclear Power Plants. . . . Shi Zhongqi; Qu Jingyuan; Cui Yongli . . . July 1998 . . . Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

Rad. Prot., 18, 261-268 . . . Quality Assurance for Individual External Monitoring. . . . Li Jingyun . . . July 1998 . . . China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, China.

Rad. Prot., 18, 269-279 . . . Some Problems for Setting New Regulation on Radiological Protection. . . . Pan Ziqiang . . . July 1998 . . . China National Nuclear Corporation, Beijing, China.

Rad. Prot., 18, 290-295 . . . A Study on Buffer/Backfill Materials for HLW Geological Repository. . . . Liu Yuemiao; Xu Guoqing; Liu Shufen . . . July 1998 . . . Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing, China.

Rad. Prot., 18, 296-304 . . . Development of a System for Monitoring and Controling Gamma-Radioactivity in Industrial Drainage. . . . Ai Dazhi; Wang Xin; Pan Dajin; Xia Yihua; Jin Huimin; Wu Yongqing; Ye Biao . . . July 1998 . . . China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, China.

Rad. Prot., 18, 305-309 . . . Dynamic Variation of Space Charged Particle Count Rate Inside Satellite Cabin. . . . Chen Mei; Qi Zhangnian; Li Xianggao; Jia Xianghong; Huang Zengxin . . . July 1998 . . . China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, China.

Rad. Prot., 18, 310-313 . . . Investigation of Patient Dose from Medical CT Examination. . . . Wu Yi; Pang Hu; Jin Yinglong; Du Guosheng; Li Yiachun; Bei Bing; Wang Shiaofeng; Zhao Gang; . . . July 1998 . . . Radiation Protection Institute of Beijing, Beijing, China.

Rad. Prot., 18, 314-318 . . . Test of the Relation of Source Height Via Volume Efficiency with HPGe Gamma Spectrometry. . . . Yu Senbiao; Jiang Rangrong . . . July 1998 . . . Zhejiang Province Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center, Hangzhou, China.

ICRU News . . . ICRU News. . . . . . . February 1998.

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Health Phys., 76, 275-287 . . . Comparison of 241Am, 239,240Pu and 137Cs Concentrations in Soil Around Rocky Flats. . . . Hulse, S.E.; Ibrahim, S.A.; Whicker, F.W.; Chapman, P.L. . . . March 1999 . . . Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Health Phys., 76, 288-299 . . . In-Vivo Measurement of Low Energy Photon Emitters: Room-Temperature Semiconductor Diodes vs. Large Scintillators and Germanium Crystals. . . . Genicot, J-L.; Pomme, S.; Alzetta, J-P. . . . March 1999 . . . Radiation Protection, Mol, Belgium.

Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 143-163 . . . Dimensionally Adaptive Neutron Kinetics for Multidimensional Reactor Safety Transients - I: New Features of RELAP5/PANBOX. . . . Jackson, C.J.; Cacuci, D.G.; Finnemann, H.B. . . . February 1999 . . . Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; Siemens KWU, Erlangen, Germany; Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 187-198 . . . Spatial Neutronic Decoupling of Large Fast Breeder Reactor Cores: Application to Nuclear Core Design Method. . . . Shirakata, K.; Sanda, T.; Nakashima, F. . . . February 1999 . . . Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC), Ibaraki-ken, Japan.

Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 199-207 . . . Uniform Positive-Weight Quadratures for Discrete Ordinate Transport Calculations. . . . Carew, J.F.; Zamonsky, G. . . . February 1999 . . . Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York.

Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 208-221 . . . Status of Six-Group Delayed Neutron Data and Relationships Between Delayed Neutron Parameters from the Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches. . . . Parish, T.A.; Charlton, W.S.; Shinohara, N.; Andoh, M.; Brady, M.C.; Raman, S. . . . February 1999 . . . Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ibarki-ken, Japan; Duke Engineering and Services, Inc.; Charlotte, NC; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.

Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 222-229 . . . The Influence of Crystalline Binding on Resonant Absorption and Reaction Rates. . . . Naberejnev, D.G.; Mounier, C.; Sanchez, R. . . . February 1999 . . . Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 230-253 . . . R-Matrix Analysis of 235U Neutron Transmission and Cross-Section Measurements in the 0- to 2.25-keV Energy Range. . . . Leal, L.C.; Derrien, H.; Larson, N.M.; Wright, R.Q. . . . February 1999 . . . Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.

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Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 293-328 . . . Cross-Section Evaluations to 150 MeV for Accelerator-Driven Systems and Implementation in MCNPX. . . . Chadwick, M.B.; Young, P.G.; Chiba, S.; Frankle, S.C.; Hale, G.M.; Hughes, H.G.; Koning, A.J . . . March 1999 . . . Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.

Nucl. Sci. Eng., 131, 370-386 . . . Calculating Flux Perturbations with a Davidson Algorithm. . . . Hu, C-H.; Lin, W-W.; Liu, Y-W.H. . . . March 1999 . . . National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan; Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Lung-tan, Taiwan.

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Nucl. Sci. Eng., 31, 426-438 . . . Measurement of Safety Injection Fluid Transport in a Scaled Reactor Test. . . . Radcliff, T.D.; Parsons, J.R.; Johnson, W.S.; Ruggles, A.E. . . . March 1999 . . . University of Akron, Akron, OH; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

Nucl. Technol., 125, 255-270 . . . Actinide-Only Burnup Credit for Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel - I: Methodology Overview. . . . Lancaster, D.B.; Fuentes, E.M; Kang, C.H.; Rahimi, M. . . . March 1999 . . . TRW Environmental Safety Systems, Inc., Vienna, VA; ABB CENP, Windson, CT; U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, D.C.; JAI Corp., Vienna, VA.

Nucl. Technol., 125, 271-291 . . . Actinide-Only Burnup Credit for Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel - II: Validation. . . . Fuentes, E.; Lancaster, D.B.; Rahimi, M. . . . March 1999 . . . ABB CENP, Windsor, CT; TRW Environmental Safety Systems, Inc.; Vienna, VA; JAI Corp., Vienna, VA.

Nucl. Technol., 125, 292-304 . . . Actinide-Only Burnup Credit for Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel - III: Bounding Treatment of Spatial Burnup Distributions. . . . Kang, C.H.; Lancaster, D.B. . . . March 1999 . . . U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, D.C.; TRW Environmental Safety Systems, Inc.; Vienna, VA.

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